Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thoroughness applied to everyday life: Query

RantWoman feels blessed to have this to share and VERY clear not to share from whence it came, except to say a weighty Friend

from Friends World Conference, 1951
"The outstanding religious feature of Quakerism has been its recovery of ... primitive Christian insight, and the thoroughness it has applied it to every part of life." p.21

"In our search for the greatest of all treasures (spiritual experience) we need knowledge from whatever source spiritual experience may come ; we need to try to understand the experience of others ; we need an appreciation of the worthwhileness of what we seek ; and we need to go to that place whereat all the evidence suggests that the treasure (spiritual experience) is to be found. "

from today Are members of our meeting alive to the necessity of continuing study and sharing in order to reach a deepening understanding of 'the things of the Spirit' and of their relevance to life?

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