Friday, July 22, 2011

Population / overconsumption / Climate Change

RantWoman returned from Quaker summer camp, aka NPYM Annual Session with her mind overflowing with inclinations to froth at the keyboard. RantWoman is unclear that her time available to froth will measure up to these inclinations but does want to note a couple links while they are fresh in her consciousness:

Contains the first draft of the "overpopulation" minute presented by NPYM Peace and Social Concerns at one of the early plenaries.
RantWoman uses the drafters' term: population / overpopulation even though what emerged from multiple rounds of discussion at Annual Session is more about overconsumption!

A draft petition RantWoman received in the same time interval about climate change which specifically calls out the problem of which countries are currently the leading emitters of greenhouse gases. RantWoman includes it here in light of the directions the seasoning took during Business Meeting.

Further notes in the not-prettied-up, RantWoman tends to tell too much of the truth vein for which RantWoman is all too famous.

RantWoman spoke to a Friend from the Meeting where the proposed minute originated. That Friend said she was most definitely not at unity with the minute when it went forward.

Friends at the plenary mentioned in the link referenced above were not at unity with the minute the first time it came up. RantWoman is unclear whether the plenary minutes will get posted so Friends can evaluate the issues themselves.

The second time the minute came up, some changes had been made but Friends still assuredly were NOT at unity. Words like racism and overconsumption in the developed world were spoken repeatedly. There was vocal ministry of various sorts, including RantWoman's firm leading to ask for language about seeking Divine Light as we all learn to live in really changed circumstances.

And the minute was returned to Peace and Social Concerns to be worked over again this coming year. A strong suggestion was made that those seasoning the next iteration of this minute take into account what might be shared of responses gathered at the upcoming World Gathering of Friends to FWCC's queries about Global Change.

RantWoman thinks that, even though those bringing the minute are getting very strong messages only very slowly, the entire exercise is extremely valuable because the minute touches topics that affect our whole entire community and very rich discussion is progressing. RantWoman felt especially called to underscore the point about getting the entire community to carry the concern. For one thing, the Friend from the Meeting where the minute originated was still feeling both responsible and heartily sick of how long it is taking others to get her message. RantWoman can see her point about Quaker time!

La Times article,0,715317.story


  1. A link about

    --hypocrisy confronted and the head of John the Baptist. Warning: it's the Gospel; the Gospel can be gruesome

    --The feeding of the multitudes, including women and children:

    RantWoman apologizes for still not figuring out how to make the link live. The author is Debra Dean Murphy and there should be plenty to find the item even if the link does not work

  2. An item from Britain Yearly Meeting called "Why Mums go to Iceland and not to Britain Yearly Meeting.
