Thursday, February 10, 2011

Who is Jesus to Me

RantWoman long after the fact is dumping Barclay drafts to the blogosphere. This item seems especially rich in themes not especially well tied together. RantWoman reminds her readers of her Blog as Filing Cabinet model of information delivery; RantWoman is also meditating about whether she is ever going to be led to revisitthematic jumbles like this to bring the resonances better in tune. RantWoman wishes she could promise.

From Ashley W at

One of my classmates is writing a paper on Jesus, and she sent us the following questions:

Who is Jesus in your life?

What does it mean to you to live a Christian life?

What one thing would you say to people to describe your relationship with Jesus?

RantWoman has bitten. RantWoman is not really going to follow directions. Instead she is probably going to write what's on her mind all in one muddle.

RantWoman is going to start with the last question first: perhaps one should not treat the core of one's religious formation the same flippant way one might describe relationship status in other contexts, but "It's complicated" will do JUST FINE.

Jesus is the reason for a whole bunch of important conversations, the light about HOW to have the conversations, and motivation for the conversation!

Even though Albie the Enormous Laptop is ILL and RantWoman is having to get her usual ranting and must-do's done in less time and more aggravating circumstances than she even wants to pretend to tolerate, RantWoman is going to bite and to respond to the queries above.

Be forewarned: this is Rantwoman. If you are not prepared to be made uncomfortable, distressed, bothered, twitterpated, led tastelessly down intellectual dark alleys or twisted among psycho-historical, mythepoetic, emotional, spiritual mazes not to mention the vast morass of RantWoman's attempts at interpersonal connection, please feel free to click away.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior?"

"Jesus as Savior and Friend?"

"I don't need no stinking Lord and Savior."

Jesus: "Wanna Bet?"

Jesus is who sent me off to meet the Peace Camp witches. I mean this. I did not have the word "leading." I just knew I HAD to be there and way kept opening, over and over.

Jesus is who helped me put up with the peace camp witches as prerequisite for making peace in different contexts.

From One Quaker Take

From Margery Post Abbott's workshop in the Twin Cities

Further Dialogue on that Jesus Bit:

and One Quaker Take riffing on Themes Barclay

From The Lambs War, one of those threads of conversation that always weaves in something important even though it's not the thread I usually weave

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