Sunday, August 29, 2010

I have a dream--this year

While the chattering classes were stuck on the images of Glenn Beck vs Al Sharpton at the Lincoln memorial on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's I have a Dream speech, RantWoman was stuck in nostalgia mode:

(An image of a Chinese fan in a message in worship: RantWoman somehow missed whatever the point was about "lies; all RantWoman could think of was a recent hot spell and some of her fellow buss passengers waving fans and joking about "African American church hot.")

-RantWoman is too young for the original march but helped out with a 20th anniversary in 1983: RantWoman has this flair for practical and spent a whole DC afternoon telling buses where to park and directing people over a bridge to the rally. RantWoman herself made it to the site of the rally as things were breaking up, but RantWoman still has a cool T-shirt.

--Sometime later, RantWoman caught a wonderful Cosby show re-run. One of the Huxtable children had a history project and the show summoned elders to recollect and newsreel footage of people who spent multiple days on buses in their best church clothes, something RantWoman can barely imagine.

RantWoman lives a zillion miles from our nation's capital, but after the fact of yesterday's rallies, RantWoman was seized with an inspiration: surely some affinity groups well-schooled in nonviolence and public theater could have thought of SOME themes in common between the two rallies and then shown up long enough to have an ad-hoc sing-in spanning both rallies.

Okay, it COULD make cool theater!

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