Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Positively Brezhnevian Address to Joint Session of Congress

RantWoman has not found the intestinal fortitude to attempt to interact with very much of #DelusionalDonOld  President #FartsALot Velveeta Voldemort's address to the joint session of Congress.

Digression: RantWoman does not exactly apologize for the cutesy wootsey nicknames. He started it and RantWoman strives to avoid euphemisms that she considers too objectionable.

RantWoman is pretty sure that voters did NOT vote for the President to go toe to toe in speech length against Russian President Putin let alone the late great Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev. RantWoman is not sure she wants to know what would happen if someone were to congratulate the President on being positively Brezhnevian.

RantWoman actually thinks it's FINE that Democrats could not come up with a unified protest strategy. The more people on ALL sides able and willing to vote their conscience, the better.

With that, a video and a bit of snark as a chaser.

RantWoman's comment
3 things that Trumpty Dumpty could say that would THRILL this Democrat: 1. I refuse any longer to let the richest man in the world whose wealth is built heavily on suckking at governments' teats tell me that the only way to federal budget sanity is maximal screwing of poor peiople. 2. I hereby rescind all my illegal executive orders and resolve to work WITH Congress instead of against it. 3. I resign!

Leaving analysis to late night comics

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