Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Vlad Vexler on Tulsi Gabbard

RantWoman, what's a nice peacenik like you doing even CARING about who President Elect Gropesaurus names for national security roles?


1. Lives are at stake

2. International relations are messy

3. Experience + Expertise is a good place to start, a better start than mindless ideologue and obsequious yes-man for #DelusionalDonOld.

Let's take one-time Congresswoman and former democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, nominated to be the Director of the office of national intelligence.

(Scathing opinion about what is meant by "intelligence" brewing, but in the meantime...)

This clip provided by political philosopher Vlad Vexler is a good place to start.

Some of Tulsi's ideas, such as support for the #JCPOA, the Iran nuclear agreement not mentioned here sound sensible. Other times she just blithers, for example about now ousted Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Twitter /X by itself should never be one's only frame of reference, but there is enough bile there to imagine that Tulsi would never command respect from people even RantWoman considers it important to be able to talk to if one is going to muck around in the torrents of info coming at someone in a high-level national security position.

What sets RantWoman off here is exactly the same thing that annoys her about uber-bloviator Noam Chomsky: a sense of "it's all doom and gloom and no place for people to plug in and make a difference."

Vlad and the grumpiness police


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