Saturday, September 14, 2024

Unlikely Teamwork: Former FLDS members team up with biker group to search for missing children

Sometimes RantWoman's blogs are some kind of electronic scrap book, for example about protests at the #DNC2024 in Chicago (posts still pending). Sometimes RantWoman collects sordid details of various wars just as a way of trying to share and sort out different info strands. Sometimes RantWoman posts peregrinations of her soul.

In this case, RantWoman has an unpublished draft posting alluding to the summer of 2008 when mothers from several polygamous Mormon (Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints--FLDS)  communities mainly in TX managed to escape with their children after many weeks of news items, the sect's founder being jailed for multiple counts of child rape, and other serious unpleasantness.

The clip here interests RantWoman because of what seems, at first whiff, like a very unlikely partnership from two very different US subcultures. There is also mention of some kind of (false prophet!) death culture. RantWoman sincerely wishes everyone in this story health, safety, and if necessary only the most helpful interaction with law enforcement.

Full disclosure: one side of RantMom's family came west with the Mormon migration from MO. The RantFamily is barely acquainted with any of RantMom's LDS cousins. For weird reasons of an overheard conversation long ago RantWoman could inquire of RantMom... but is unlikely to summon the nerve to do so.)

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