Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Missing BS Discernment Update

What? Readers thought RantWoman was offering some kind of sarcastic commentary on something rather than a neutral reprise of an email subject line? Please bear with RantWoman who is doing the best she can about many realities.

RantWoman thanks a Wednesday night Quaker Bible study participant for mentioning a proposed community discussion of information gathered by the current campus discernment committee. RantWoman would consider inviting herself to the party but due to schedule conflicts will attend the Bible study the Friend above will miss and then, because more Zoom is always better, go to yet another Quaker practice among non Quakers Zoom meeting.

First, RantWoman is clear to reprint two articles from Gleamings, the Meeting newsletter.

September Newsletter

August Newsletter article


Previous RantWoman commentary

RantWoman notes with interest:

--Judging by hit counts, RantWoman's previous commentary has been read by an encouraging number of people.

--A number of points in the previous commentary are reflected in others' offerings. Some remain stunningly absent. In other words, this community remains sorely in need of insights RantWoman has to offer. The glaring need stiffens RantWoman's resolve to try to continue delivering these insights.

--RantWoman thanks everyone who participated in the interviews and appreciates the work of compiling comments.In general RantWoman appreciates Friends again picking up the work of this badly needed discernment.

--RantWoman appreciates the recognition that neither "Do Nothing" nor "sell completely and do whatever" options offer much appeal.

Questions which rise for RantWoman from a fast read of Gleamings articles:

1. What questions, current or new, need further discernment?

2. What outside expertise are Friends ready to invest in to aid in further discernment about steps forward? 

Yes, RantWoman realizes this may be getting ahead of where things go but does remember from previous discernment efforts a strong sense that services from outside professionals needs to figure in the picture.

3. What learnings do Friends bring either from previous discernment efforts at UFM or from household adventures such as remodelling a bathroom, putting in or taking out carpet, or other projects. Are there considerations of timing, timelines, interest rates or other factors that need to figure in the picture?

4. RantWoman notes LOTS of concern about parking. Two further points:

--RantWoman alternates between either hating parking garages with a pink and purple passion or thinking that a parking garage could become a valuable revenue source. 

--What alternate ways of getting to and from Meeting might both ease parking concerns and meet the changing needs of people with canes, walkers...? 

     RantWoman spends a lot of time thinking and participating in "public engagement" about related topics and wonders whether others besides RantWoman consider transportation considerations an important topic to explore as discernment evolves. What opportunities exist in conjunction with existing public transit in the area? RantWoman is still chewing over other opinions

5. Where is there a sense of abundance? Abundance of energy, commitment, passion, trepidation, optimism...?

RantWoman will stop here for now but may add additional thoughts.

Happy Discerning.

Reprint from September Newsletter

 What F/friends Said -- answers to the campus discernment survey, 2024

by Amanda Franklin and Lois Loontjens

In spring and summer 2024, the revived Campus Discernment ad hoc committee attempted to  have 1:1 contact with everyone associated with UFM: members and attenders, active and not,  including those who have not participated in the life of the meeting for many years but are still  choosing to be listed in our directory. We did this out of a desire to solicit every interested  person’s voice, and out of a recognition that many people don’t attend business meeting and  might not come to an in-person or virtual meeting on the topic. We also wanted to listen  carefully to everyone, hoping that a 1:1 conversation would give the time and privacy for each  person to speak their mind.

We attempted contact with 177 people, and succeeded in speaking with 99 -- some very active  with UFM, some formerly active, and some at a distance (one in Japan!) Another 78 people  either did not respond, or declined to participate. We did not succeed in initiating contact with  everyone, due to the limitations on the committee’s time and energy, and the fact that not  everyone is listed in the directory and some did not respond to bulletin/listserv/verbal  announcements. But we are confident that we reached out to nearly everyone whose name we  recognized.

We asked people four questions. The results of our inquiries were summarized in the August  and September ’24 Gleamings. What follows here is a more lengthy discussion of the  responses.

How long have you been associated with UFM?

About 20% of respondents had been associated with us for less than five years, and another  20% for 40+ years, with the rest pretty evenly distributed over each decade in between (5-10,  10-20, 20-30, 30-40). For people who have been away for many years, we counted the years  they actively participated at UFM. About a third of respondents had come to UFM within the last  decade. The strength and range of people’s opinions did not particularly correlate with how long  a time they had been part of UFM.

What role do you think our campus should play in supporting the root  purpose and work of University Friends Meeting?

These might well be differently-worded but identical answers: half of the respondents said that  our root purpose is to be a spiritual community, and about a third said our root purpose is to  worship together, while many people gave some version of both answers. Other people talked  about UFM as a place for spiritual seekers, those wishing to enquire and grow, those who want  to follow the Quaker tradition together, and those who embrace traditional Quaker values such  as peace and justice.

The role of the campus in upholding UFM’s root purpose yielded these responses, in  approximate descending order:

* a place for Quaker education, committee meetings (pre-pandemic especially), the  library, art installations, children’s activities, games, celebrations of life transitions, and  fellowship; a place to support people’s leadings in the world

* the grounding that having a physical home provides to our UFM community. Fully a  third of respondents mentioned some version of these first two items

* an affordable venue for values-compatible groups to hold events and celebrations

* our physical presence witnesses to our larger community, particularly the UW and the  University District. A number of people noted that we were established as an outreach  to UW students, and some thought we should step up our efforts in this regard

* the location of the campus is relatively central for the greater Seattle area, and  relatively accessible by non-car transportation

* a rental space for current or former tenants (SIMS, Facing Homelessness, QuEST,  SHARE, AFSC, Nakani, preschool, contra dances…)

* the serenity and physical witness that our beautiful grounds, meetinghouse, and  worship space provide for those within and those who pass by. Many people praised the  worship room specifically, both for the effect it has on them, and for the oft-noted sense  of how the space is made sacred by its spiritual and communal history

Other people noted that Quaker activities, particularly worship, suffer when conducted on line;  that it is challenging to be a Quaker in isolation; that we don’t have many spaces for several  groups to meet at once; and that a rental space does not provide the same grounding as owning  a physical home does. 

Some respondents believe that, over time, the increasing demands on our time and money  detract from our fulfilling our root purpose, while a few noted that working together on  maintaining our buildings and grounds provides opportunities for deepening community.  Several question whether we ought to be landlords or lease holders at all, either because this  proves a distraction from what we ought to be doing, or because it keeps us from being  financially self-sustaining. Others said that we are not visibly carrying out our root purpose of a  commitment to social justice.

Even among people who praised our physical space, though, fully ten percent said that owning  the campus itself is not part of our root purpose, noting that South Seattle and Salmon Bay  Friends are long-established meetings that do not own.

What are your thoughts about any or all of the four options?

Respondents were offered the chance to offer any Light they might have on any of the four  options for the use of our campus:

1. remain as is: most respondents spoke strongly against this option, with many citing the  rising costs in money and labor hours to keep us going. Some spoke nostalgically about  wishing we could remain the same, and five people affirmed that we should go on as we are.  Others pointed out that, with a shrinking and aging membership, option #1 becomes less and  less tenable over time, and some candidly remarked that they themselves couldn’t put in the

time and labor to maintain the status quo. Some spoke against the wisdom of our being  landlords at all, or of financially sustaining ourselves on rental income.

2. redevelop part of the campus: most respondents favored this or the next option, with  some being unclear which of the two would be the wiser course of action, and many asking for  an explicit proposal to consider. Although there were concerns about parking, the people who  spoke to option #2 generally favored redeveloping Quaker House (and perhaps the parking lot as well). Favored uses included housing (most often mentioned, often specifying for low income folks or a low-income/market rate mix), along with Quaker-adjacent office spaces, as  well as a Quaker retirement community. Several respondents pointed out that UFM itself should  not try to manage a redevelopment project, or a redeveloped campus. Others thought we  consolidate in the meetinghouse and not offer rental space any more. Additional suggested  uses included public gathering spaces both indoors and outside, a coffee house, and a  playground/childcare. People spoke with concern about the needs of our renters, particularly  SIMS given its recent major renovation, as well as about the availability of parking – particularly  for those who are car-dependent. Several praised the architecture of the meetinghouse, and  strongly urged that it be preserved as an historically significant building which is imbued with  decades of Spirit.

3. redevelop the entire campus (meetinghouse, parking lot, and Quaker House): there  were a number of detailed visions under this category:

* go the route of other churches who have worked with the Faith/Land initiative, and use  our entire redeveloped campus to provide many units of housing, with a stipulation that  we would retain needed worship, meeting, and parking spaces in some new building

* consult with Seattle Unity, which has apparently done something similar and has  retained (lifetime?) use of its sanctuary and Sunday parking spaces while a developer  has built up around it

* partner with some other organization, perhaps Native/Indigenous, to effect land  reparations while still being able to meet on UFM land. This might take the shape of  deeding our property over while retaining lifetime rights

* take advantage of City of Seattle zoning changes which facilitate churches building  housing; perhaps partner with the city

* relocate the worship room to the top floor of a multi-story building, providing many  windows to take in the wider view to visually enhance our worship, and rent it out as a  desirable venue (weddings/concerts/conferences, etc) the rest of the week

* this option should provide housing for targetted groups, such as: low income or  formerly unhoused tenants; people who work for the UW, or in the U District, and who  are currently priced out of living near their jobs; retired Quakers (perhaps an allocated  number of units); and Indigenous people

* a rooftop childcare facility/play area that would be available for Quakers on Sunday  mornings, for a preschool during the week, and for tenants the rest of the time

Some spoke favorably of the tangible witness that this use of urban space could offer to Seattle,  both in using the air space above our current campus for the good of all, and in perhaps

effecting a very practical land reparation. Others suggested that building family housing could  attract families to our Meeting, particularly if the name of the building were something like  “Quaker House.” Others pointed out that, once the upheaval was over, this step would ensure  UFM’s financial stability into the future.

Concerns included finding a place to meet during construction; keeping our community intact  during a long disruption of the campus; the loss of our current, much-loved worship room; the  availability of parking; the unreliability of partnerships with outside agencies, and the uncertainty  that we could still have the campus for Quaker uses into the future; and discerning who might undertake this massive, years-long project. 

People who spoke against this option mentioned the loss of our existing worship room; the  massive amount of time, money, and energy which would be called for, particularly as our  Meeting shrinks and ages; and the wishful thinking that we could find the funding for this large scale project.

One suggestion was that we keep our existing committees and business meeting during  reconstruction, but join with other local Quaker meetings for in-person worship for the duration.

4. sell and move: nearly all respondents were firmly against this option, pointing out that we  would never find a centrally located option to buy; that our building is a witness to Seattle; and  many simply asking, “ but where would we go?” Several people spoke in strong opposition to  allowing our land to pass into commercial hands, where a developer would build market-rate 

housing for profit.

A minority pointed out that we are sitting on a financial goldmine with resources that could be  put towards Quaker leadings or permanently assuring our financial stability, and that our smaller  meeting could be well-housed in a smaller building. Several people have concerns over the  changes in our neighborhood, and the difficulty in finding parking. A couple of people pointed  out the practical advantages of being long-term renters, and mentioned the growing availability  of unused office spaces. Three respondents thought that selling and moving was the best  option.

Other people vigorously asserted that we should not let go of an irreplaceable asset – and that  we’d never get unity to do this, anyway.

5. sell Quaker House: although this was not offered as one of the options, about 10% of  respondents specified that this is what we should do. This would provide a financial windfall,  and free us up from maintaining an elderly building.

6. keep worship room: enough people emphasized this point that it almost became its own  category. Respondents noted the sense of centered peace it offers, and the connection to  decades of Quakers they feel simply by entering its space.

7. other thoughts: several people suggested that we need to come up with a vision for our  future, which would point the way towards right action, and which would engage people with  working towards a common goal. Respondents varied in their prediction of whether we will  retain enough members to be a viable meeting, with some pointing to our steady decline, and  others hopeful about the arrival of new and younger F/friends. Many people suggested that we  need to focus on attracting younger people and young families. Several people pointed out that

we do not have to be in a building to be a worshipping community, though others feel strongly  that being in a building really helps.

As UFM discerns what to do with our property, and when to do it,  what do you think is important to keep in mind/to pay attention to? 

There was less agreement here, but (in descending order of frequency) these concerns were  mentioned by three or more respondents:

* the value of our presence in the community, and our ability to serve our neighbors/city * the financial implications of any choices we do (or don’t) make, and a desire for input  from our Finance Committee

* the human energy it takes to remain as is, or to make any changes, with a recognition  that there is probably not a low-energy option available

* the importance of preserving our community, regardless of what option we might  choose

* considering and providing for the future, up to seven generations hence, even though  we cannot know what the future might hold

* getting more families, young people, and children to join us

* climate/environmental concerns, both in maintaining our current campus or in  redeveloping. People felt there were strong climate reasons in favor of each of the first  three options

* reparations to BIPOC

* Seattle’s housing crisis: we have land which could help to alleviate this problem,  which will just keep growing

* we need a communal vision or goal to guide us in this undertaking – how are we led? * we have a community which is aging and dwindling: what energy do we have to  facilitate each of the options? Will this energy continue to decline as our demographic  ages?

* we must listen to each other carefully and discern from what we hear

* accessibility concerns

* the time and energy it takes to sustain our aging buildings

* the sense that being landlords is not part of UFM’s mission

* the role UFM’s history has played throughout the years

* the need for parking

* staying true to Quaker values

* the decline in religious membership across all denominations

Where do we go from here?

The Campus Discernment Committee will host a community-wide potluck, presentation and  discussion on the evening of Wednesday, September 18. We will go over these responses  more thoroughly and suggest our next steps. 

Reprint of August Newsletter article

 Campus Discernment 2.0: What F/friends Said (PartI of II) Amanda Franklin and Lois Loontjens

The Campus Discernment Committee has been hard at work for several months, attempting to interview all  members/attenders about four questions. (If you were not contacted, our deepest apologies! The task proved  large, and some committee members had setbacks.)

This article summarizes what respondents said about who we are, what is the nature and purpose of UFM,  and what should guide us as we discern our future.

How long have you been associated with UFM?

We attempted contact with 177 people, and succeeded in speaking with 99—some very active with UFM, some  formerly active, and some at a distance (one in Japan!). Another 78 people either did not respond, or declined  to participate. A few not in the directory responded to invitations via verbal announcements, the bulletin or  the listserv. About 20% of respondents had been associated with us for less than five years, and another 20%  for 40+ years, with the rest pretty evenly distributed over each decade in between. The strength and range of  people’s opinions did not particularly correlate with how long a time they had been part of UFM.

What role do you think our campus should play in supporting the root purpose and work of  University Friends Meeting?

These might well be differently-worded but identical answers: half of the respondents said that our root  purpose is to be a spiritual community, and about a third said our root purpose is to worship together. Other  oft-mentioned root purposes included providing a meeting place for Quakers and non-Quakers, and renting  out our space for uses that align with our values. A third said that having a physical space provides a home or  a sense of groundedness, while generous handfuls praised the worship room specifically, the calm and beauty  and serenity of the meetinghouse and grounds, the benefits of being a visible presence in the U District, and  being able to provide a space for carrying forward our concerns for peace and social justice. Even among  people who praised our physical space, though, fully ten percent said that owning the campus itself is not  part of our root purpose.

As UFM discerns what to do with our property, and when to do it, what do you think is important to keep in mind/to pay attention to?

There was less agreement here, but (in descending order of frequency) these concerns were mentioned by  three or more respondents:

Our presence in the community, and our ability to serve our neighbors/city

The financial implications of any choices we do (or don’t) make

The human energy it takes to remain as is, or to make any changes

The importance of preserving our community

Considering and providing for the future, up to seven generations hence, even though we cannot know  what the future might hold

Getting more families, young people, and children to join us

Climate/environmental concerns

Reparations to BIPOC

Seattle’s housing crisis

What is our vision? what is our goal?

We have a community which is aging and dwindling

We must listen to each other carefully and discern from what we hear


What is God leading us to do?

The time and energy it takes to sustain our aging buildings

We should not be landlords!

The role UFM’s history has played throughout the years

The need for parking

Staying true to Quaker values

The decline in religious membership across all denominations

A Brief Summary

Although we are blessed by people who have been with us for decades, about a third of respondents have  come on board within the last ten years or so. Most people see the root purpose of UFM as being a spiritual,  worshiping community, with the role of the campus being to house community for Quaker activities and  fellowship, and for Quaker-aligned groups to meet.

As we discern our way forward, people mentioned spiritual/community concerns (keeping the community  connected, seeking leadings and discerning deeply from one another, clarifying our spiritual vision) and  practical concerns (we are aging and dwindling, it takes growing amounts of time and money and human  energy to keep our campus functional, and there are needs for social justice and for housing which our  campus might help address).

Next month’s article will summarize the Light we gathered on each of the four options on the use of our  campus.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Man on the street interviews in Moscow. Kursk invasion? What Kursk invasion? Why nobody in Moscow cares that Ukraine invaded our country?

RantWoman is collecting an assortment of videos about military aspects of Russia's war on Ukraine, the impact of economic sanctions on people in different Russian cities, whether or not the Putin regime is about to collapse, some repression of domestic resistance, and a smattering of other geopolitical issues..

Tonight's post is both more poignant and more depressing. Here are number of interviews with average young professional Russians.

The gist of the interviews: Yeah, some of us realize that Ukraine has invaded but we do

The subtitles are accurate. Readers who cannot read the subtitles, please leave a comment which RantWoman will not publish but will attempt simultaneous interpretation..

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Unlikely Teamwork: Former FLDS members team up with biker group to search for missing children

Sometimes RantWoman's blogs are some kind of electronic scrap book, for example about protests at the #DNC2024 in Chicago (posts still pending). Sometimes RantWoman collects sordid details of various wars just as a way of trying to share and sort out different info strands. Sometimes RantWoman posts peregrinations of her soul.

In this case, RantWoman has an unpublished draft posting alluding to the summer of 2008 when mothers from several polygamous Mormon (Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints--FLDS)  communities mainly in TX managed to escape with their children after many weeks of news items, the sect's founder being jailed for multiple counts of child rape, and other serious unpleasantness.

The clip here interests RantWoman because of what seems, at first whiff, like a very unlikely partnership from two very different US subcultures. There is also mention of some kind of (false prophet!) death culture. RantWoman sincerely wishes everyone in this story health, safety, and if necessary only the most helpful interaction with law enforcement.

Full disclosure: one side of RantMom's family came west with the Mormon migration from MO. The RantFamily is barely acquainted with any of RantMom's LDS cousins. For weird reasons of an overheard conversation long ago RantWoman could inquire of RantMom... but is unlikely to summon the nerve to do so.)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Registration Open for Pacific NW Quarterly Meeting September 27-29

(For readers who need a cool but unlabeled graphic of a boat, please head straight to

PNQM Fall Quarterly Meeting, September 27-29

Boats that Float: Creating Meetings that Nurture Us

Join us at Lazy F Camp for the fall session of PNQM Quarterly Meeting.

As we gather for Fall Quarterly, Friends are invited to explore what is most critical to maintain, grow, and protect within our Meetings as many of us rebuild after the challenges of COVID-19. 

What nurtures our youngest Friends will be different to what nurtures visitors; how a long-time Member and a new regular Attender nurture the Meeting in return will be different, too. 

What we each find is essential in a Meeting community may change for us throughout our lives. As some Friends depart, others may join the Meeting and bring new gifts to make the community whole in a new way. The future we want for Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting is one we must discern – and create – together.

Taking inspiration from a beloved tradition of our youth program, groups of Friends of all ages will work on building boats out of recycled and natural materials as an embodied way of exploring what is important in a community.

Details about what happens at Quarterly, schedule, safety guidelines for Covid concerns, registration, and much more are available on the website

If you have not attended PNQM in person for a long time, recall the joy of being able to connect with Friends. If you have never been to PNQM, ask those in your meeting who have fond memories of Lazy F and their experiences at Quarterly to tell you about the opportunities for worship and fellowship they enjoyed.

If you have children of any age, we encourage you to come as a family and help them meet new friends and reconnect with those they only see at Quarterly.

Camping is an option, and many families find Lazy F a great opportunity to introduce young children to sleeping in a tent.

Host meetings Salmon Bay and Pullman-Moscow


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Senate Candidate ON TAPE

One of RantWoman's forms of election witness this cycle is to express positive values in the MT senate race between incumbent Jon Tester and Tim Sheehy. 

In particular, RantWoman is still alive in Elon's sandbox, but every time RantWoman gets an ad from some out of state GOP surrogate, RantWoman posts some form of fact check or commentary about how in the MT where I grew up, people are smart enough to make up their own minds without help from FL or SC or ...

So many issues to try to hold feet to the fire about...

Vote. Just Vote