Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Flags. Flags. Candor. Flags. Justices' Wives. Flags

Bless us oh Lord with an abundance of daily invitations via social media to RANT.
A sampling from today:

The Supremes

1. I REALLY appreciate Justice Roberts' words in this segment.

2. Let's see: two justices confirmed in spite of credible accusations of sexual harassment and Assault. Multiple justices who clearly get a lot of money from donors who APPEAR to be buying influence. An attitude of, oh, ethics. We'll decide whenever and probably never. Mitch McConnell playing games at the end of the Obama administration and then confirming Justice Barret practically before Justice Ginzberg's body was cold. Gee. Hard to imagine why the public would not be overflowing with trust in the Supreme Court. And we won't even talk about stalling on cases related to the single biggest one-day violent crime wave in the US since 9/11 or voting rights issues. Or Dobbs. or....

3. All that said, I think a liberal journalist framing questions the way this one did and looking for gotcha quotes is GROSS. There is plenty to be concerned about without misrepresenting oneself.

4. To me the media DOES bear responsibility for hyperventilating and lack of legal nuance reporting about MANY Supreme court rulings. That doesn't mean I necessarily like the rulings any better than the harshest critics. It does mean that the public can probably always stand reminders about rule of law.

5. I think it's time for Justice Alito to retire for a completely idiosyncratic reason: as a somewhat disloyal Princeton alumna, I do not think there should be THREE justices on the Supreme Court from the same undergraduate institution, even Princeton. Justice Alito has been on the court the longest. May he find his way to a genteel retirement.

And Mrs. Martha Ann Alito TOO?

The comments RantWoman is still seasoning before posting:

You know what? Let Mrs. Alito fly whatever flags she wants. If Pride flags offend her, fly whatever religious flag she wants. It's a neighbor relations problem, but as long as no one vandalizes each other's property, just have at it.

IN FACT, what if EVERYONE did what the Danes did during WWII. Nazis wanted the Star of David in the windows of Jews. MANY Danes put stars of David in their windows to mislead the Nazis. What if everyone in the US decided to fly the upside-down flag, the international sign of distress. We don't all have to agree on the cause of distress. We definitely do not have to buy into the #J6 single biggest one-day violent crime wave in the US since 9/11 or the need to go to the Capital, play tourist, take bear spray, body armor, zip ties and go beat up police officers. We just all get to acknowledge national distress.

Hillary complains about a "basket of deplorables." Mitt complains that half the country is too poor to pay taxes. How would either of them expect to be President for the whole country???

Justice and Mrs. Alito can be distressed about personal attacks or because a democratic country that respects Freedom of Religion is not going to turn into a Catholic theocracy anytime soon.

Many of the rest of us can be distressed by the impact Justice Alito's antediluvian and medically illiterate decision is having on women's lives.

Fossil fuel companies can be distressed about shifts away from carbon-based fuels. Other people can be distressed that the planet is on fire.

Real estate moguls can be distressed that regulation impinges on their profits. A whole lot of other people can be distressed by a housing affordability housing supply crisis and by the number of unhoused people eking out existence among us.

Plenty of other things for everyone who loves this country to be distressed about. Feel free to add to the list.

The Pine Tree Flag

Please note: RantWoman has NO intention of flying any Pine Tree Flags, not only because of association with the aforementioned "tourists," but also because RantWoman has very multicultural neighbors, a shared balcony, and more than enough dramas already.

The Appeal To Heaven Pine Tree flag definitely still looks to RantWoman just like someone's car air freshener hanging from a rearview mirror. Pine trees are a GOOD thing. Fresh scent with a view behind in order to find a better future...can people actually GO THERE.

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