Thursday, June 27, 2024

Quakers and Christian Nationalism: a minute and....

RantWoman is doing her usual mental and physical sorting in preparation for NPYM Annual Session. In parallel, RantWoman is, remotely, participating in many activities of the American Council of the Blind. 

Some of the time, these events have considerations in common. 

One example: spending a lot of time crafting some statement or other, figuring out how to shepherd the words through the process of coming to agreement, and then deciding what the heck to do with the statement and / or has the body done anything based on previous such statements.

Another is sharing the light of one community shaped by their circumstances with others, growing the circles of community, solidarity, commitment.

In Quakerese, these statements are called minutes. Sometimes among North Pacific Yearly Meeting friends, these minutes get circulated among monthly meetings and worship groups before Annual Session. Sometimes they get referred to Peace and Social Concerns committee. Quakers are known for wanting to spend a long time wordsmithing. At the same time, some Friends are moved by the march of events to want more perspicacity about when is "good enough" and done in a timely if imperfect way.

The minute below about Quakers and Christian Nationalism from South Mountain Friends Meeting is the current issue at hand. The issue is certainly timely in the social media streams where RantWoman slogs. This fact suggests paths in the "what to do with this statement" vein that might not be standard issue wirte some elected officials but more something like "How can these words guide and strengthen Friends' witness in our various circumstances.

Here is a recent  reflection from Johan Maurer with language that might be useful when actually TALKING TO one's friendly neighborhood or Twitter feed Christian nationalist

And some references from Radical Discipleship – Collective. Convictional. Constructive. Concrete. on RantWoman's mean-to-read list  

Radical Discipleship is edited and curated by Tommy Airey (he/him), a post-evangelical pastor at Kardia Kaiomene and the author of Descending Like a Dove: Adventures in Decolonizing Evangelical Christianity  (2018). Send an email to if you have questions, comments, concerns or submissions!

With that as a prelude, here is a current DRAFT and update from a version posted at

Minute on Christian Nationalism

South Mountain Friends Meeting


As Quakers, we believe that everyone possesses the light of the Spirit, which is how we express what Jews and Christians traditionally meant by asserting that everyone is created in God’s image. We also believe that everyone possesses some portion of the truth and that no one possesses total understanding. Still, if a widely held opinion that we regard as mostly erroneous threatens grave harm, we feel called upon to address and oppose it. Such is the case of a cluster of opinions that go under the common name Christian nationalism.

Christian nationalism seeks to merge Christian and American identities. It asserts that the United States was founded as a specifically Christian nation; that it is necessary to be a Christian to be a true American; and that Christianity should be favored and actively supported by the state. A frequent corollary of this ideology is that the United States has been chosen to impose its will on other nations in God’s name. Additionally, it often overlaps with, and provides cover for, white supremacy and racial subjugation at home as well as abroad.

We reject all these tenets and implications of Christian nationalism. It distorts both the spirit of our country and of Christianity itself. To be an American does not require adherence to any one religion or to any religion at all. And to adhere to Christianity or any other world religion does not require residence in any one country. People are bound to their countries by their citizenship and to their religions by their faith.

In alignment with our testimony of peace, we focus our actions of dismantling such oppressive, aggressive, and authoritarian systems as Christian nationalism. At the same time, our testimony of equality guides us to not condemn individual Christian nationalists. 

We commit to educating members of local faith communities and the public at large about the inherent false narratives and extreme threat to democracy posed by Christian nationalism.  We call upon ourselves to provide teach-ins, show relevant films, and hold conversation geared toward raising awareness.  We recommend that fellow Quakers educate themselves through books and videos and then alert their communities to the reality that Christian nationalism is a political movement based in power that masquerades as a religion that is known for mercy and compassion.



Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Buffalo Calf Road Woman

On This date in 1876, June 25, 1876 

Posted without further comment

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Forward to yesterday? Last year? Last Century? Last millenium? Is America's Future Going Backwards?

This item posted here because it mentions both Puritans and Quakers.

"This country was founded by a$$holes"

Contains language some consider unQuakerly and reference to protests and to whipping

Friday, June 21, 2024

PARODY: Martha-Ann Alito Attacks Liberals & The LGBTQ+ Community (With Flags)

Enough points here that make RantWoman laugh to justify posting this bit of comedy even though they did not get to the part of one media interview where Martha Ann implied that she thinks her husband's job, or something about it) is "nonsense."

RantWoman cannot decide whether to be appalled, deeply amused, or both when the real Mrs. Alito speaks up in her own words.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Flags. Flags. Candor. Flags. Justices' Wives. Flags

Bless us oh Lord with an abundance of daily invitations via social media to RANT.
A sampling from today:

The Supremes

1. I REALLY appreciate Justice Roberts' words in this segment.

2. Let's see: two justices confirmed in spite of credible accusations of sexual harassment and Assault. Multiple justices who clearly get a lot of money from donors who APPEAR to be buying influence. An attitude of, oh, ethics. We'll decide whenever and probably never. Mitch McConnell playing games at the end of the Obama administration and then confirming Justice Barret practically before Justice Ginzberg's body was cold. Gee. Hard to imagine why the public would not be overflowing with trust in the Supreme Court. And we won't even talk about stalling on cases related to the single biggest one-day violent crime wave in the US since 9/11 or voting rights issues. Or Dobbs. or....

3. All that said, I think a liberal journalist framing questions the way this one did and looking for gotcha quotes is GROSS. There is plenty to be concerned about without misrepresenting oneself.

4. To me the media DOES bear responsibility for hyperventilating and lack of legal nuance reporting about MANY Supreme court rulings. That doesn't mean I necessarily like the rulings any better than the harshest critics. It does mean that the public can probably always stand reminders about rule of law.

5. I think it's time for Justice Alito to retire for a completely idiosyncratic reason: as a somewhat disloyal Princeton alumna, I do not think there should be THREE justices on the Supreme Court from the same undergraduate institution, even Princeton. Justice Alito has been on the court the longest. May he find his way to a genteel retirement.

And Mrs. Martha Ann Alito TOO?

The comments RantWoman is still seasoning before posting:

You know what? Let Mrs. Alito fly whatever flags she wants. If Pride flags offend her, fly whatever religious flag she wants. It's a neighbor relations problem, but as long as no one vandalizes each other's property, just have at it.

IN FACT, what if EVERYONE did what the Danes did during WWII. Nazis wanted the Star of David in the windows of Jews. MANY Danes put stars of David in their windows to mislead the Nazis. What if everyone in the US decided to fly the upside-down flag, the international sign of distress. We don't all have to agree on the cause of distress. We definitely do not have to buy into the #J6 single biggest one-day violent crime wave in the US since 9/11 or the need to go to the Capital, play tourist, take bear spray, body armor, zip ties and go beat up police officers. We just all get to acknowledge national distress.

Hillary complains about a "basket of deplorables." Mitt complains that half the country is too poor to pay taxes. How would either of them expect to be President for the whole country???

Justice and Mrs. Alito can be distressed about personal attacks or because a democratic country that respects Freedom of Religion is not going to turn into a Catholic theocracy anytime soon.

Many of the rest of us can be distressed by the impact Justice Alito's antediluvian and medically illiterate decision is having on women's lives.

Fossil fuel companies can be distressed about shifts away from carbon-based fuels. Other people can be distressed that the planet is on fire.

Real estate moguls can be distressed that regulation impinges on their profits. A whole lot of other people can be distressed by a housing affordability housing supply crisis and by the number of unhoused people eking out existence among us.

Plenty of other things for everyone who loves this country to be distressed about. Feel free to add to the list.

The Pine Tree Flag

Please note: RantWoman has NO intention of flying any Pine Tree Flags, not only because of association with the aforementioned "tourists," but also because RantWoman has very multicultural neighbors, a shared balcony, and more than enough dramas already.

The Appeal To Heaven Pine Tree flag definitely still looks to RantWoman just like someone's car air freshener hanging from a rearview mirror. Pine trees are a GOOD thing. Fresh scent with a view behind in order to find a better future...can people actually GO THERE.

Monday, June 10, 2024

ONE WEEK LEFT to register for NPYM Annual Session July 10-14 in Missoula MT

URK  RantWoman has procrastinated too!

Registration, either in-person or online closes June 16.

Clerk's Call graphic: Text "Cross the Divide" between two cliffs with pine trees
Graphic from AS website
 great contrast but no alt text

Excerpt from the Callby clerk Paul Christensen

I think of the words of the writer J. Michael Straczynski: “The past tempts us, the present confuses us, and the future frightens us. And our lives slip away, moment by moment, lost in that vast, terrible in-between.”

There, alone in the depths, we realize that there is one more divide: between us and the Spirit. Then we remember that we are not alone at all. Cross that divide, face that fear, and all other divides become tiny. For as Straczynski continued, “There is still a chance to seize that last, fragile moment. To choose something better—to make a difference… And I intend to do just that.” Let us intend to do just that, 

NPYM Annual Session link for registration and other extremely useful registration

RantWoman is also EXTREMELY grateful for many points in registration where there is space to express needs about accessibility. RantWoman will have to re-run to figure out something about gifts to share and MAYBE come up with an interest group.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Wess gets Recorded


 C Wess Daniels on his recording as a minister at First Friends Church

The blog post above is:

--a lovely concise explanation in general of the concept of Recorded ministers among Friends

--a vivid illustration of many aspects of more evangelical Friends

--An account of several meaningful moments during the actual occasion including music and messages.

Ashley Wilcox: A live coal

--A worthwhile read for anyone new to Quakers and interested in knowing more.

RantWoman greatly esteems C Wess Daniels for:

--Deep spiritual grounding.

--fearless willingness to engage about many aspects of modern culture

--much tidier writing than a lot of what splatters off RantWoman's keyboard.

RantWoman is delighted to read of this recognition for Wess.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

On the matter of a sentence for Convicted Felon Trump.

RantWoman is overachieving about snark tonight.

Enjoy this video.

Then enjoy(?) RantWoman's snark attack 

Look, it ain't prison abolition, but even if Convicted Felon Trump fell asleep during all the victim impact statements, wouldn't the opportunity to excoriate the felon feel satisfying? Plus, if he were actually catching up on his sleep, would he still need so many late night explosions????

So you're saying some Monty Python style public flogging is probably out? What if, as part of victim impact, every honest businessperson who wants to speak is given, say 5 minutes to excoriate the defendant about the issue of falsifying business records and what a stain T's behavior is on all the honest businesspeople in NY? What if every voter in NY who is outraged by the #DonTheCon steals an election line of thinking gets 5 minutes to excoriate EX President Gropesaurus???? If done right, these two kinds of victim impact statements could last WELL past the November election. I still think one month served consecutively for every count with all but one day of each month suspended and #DonSnoreleone gets to pick up trash for the not suspended days. That way, he can invite along all the people who want to handcuff themselves to Rikers. And the Secret Service can screen some other felons to see who could qualify as part of a work crew. No medical excuses. Sooner or later he has to pick up the trash, and he should start even while the case is on appeal. Honestly, making the convicted felon wear an ankle bracelet the whole time he is campaigning would feel like a lovely truth in advertising touch even though crafting instructions about how the probation department has to administer that would be an interesting task.
If #GrandpaSleepyhead complains that he just can't be seen in public such an encumbrance, fine. Drop out of the race. Do it before the #GOP convention. Release his delegates and let the party figure out what to do from there.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

SD Gov. Noem Announces 'Unprecedented' Action On Tribal Safety

I will not refer to #KristiNoem as Gov. Puppy Killer.

I will not refer to #KristiNoem as Gov. Puppy Killer.

I will not refer to #KristiNoem as Gov. Puppy Killer.

I will not rant about the entire #GOP first frothing at the mouth about the amount of fentanyl coming into the US and then caving to #GrandpaSleepyhead, #DonSnoreleone about a bipartisan border bill so that #DonTheConvict has something besides whining about US courts to campaign on..

I will not rant about the entire #GOP first frothing at the mouth about the amount of fentanyl coming into the US and then caving to #GrandpaSleepyhead, #DonSnoreleone about a bipartisan border bill so that #DonTheConvict has something besides whining about US courts to campaign on..

I will not rant about the entire #GOP first frothing at the mouth about the amount of fentanyl coming into the US and then caving to #GrandpaSleepyhead, #DonSnoreleone about a bipartisan border bill so that #DonTheConvict has something besides whining about US courts to campaign on.

I also will not gloat about Gov. Noem getting herself banned from all 9 native nations in South Dakota for various strands of blatant racism.

I also will not gloat about Gov. Noem getting herself banned from all 9 native nations in South Dakota for various strands of blatant racism.

I also will not gloat about Gov. Noem getting herself banned from all 9 native nations in South Dakota for various strands of blatant racism.

Oh heck! This IS RantWoman

I HOPE this initiative leads to what the tribes say the most want and need whether or not the latest gee-whiz tools of militarized policing.

THe Funder of Pro-Palestinian College Protests is WHO????

And in related news, posted without further comment, from the Daily Princetonian (The Prince; RantWoman wishes to commend the site for excellent alt text!)