Sunday, November 5, 2023

Adult Religious Education 11 5 about FCNL and the current Middle East situation.

 The information here is from Adult Religious Education November 5, 2023.

RantWoman's key takeaways:

Look for the peacemakers. There are peacemakers out there but they get marginalized.

Lift up marginalized voices

Public Pressure works.

(from RantWoman based on a Beau of The Fifth column about Change of Tone: diplomacy works, at least as far as helping send messages that many parties do not want things to escalate.)


The US invests heavily in war.  What would it mean to fight for peace?

How can we be supportive of Palestine without being against Israel? Or vice versa?

How can we see the humanity in everyone when there are two sides?

And allies of each side and the long game in the middle East and beyond?

Organizations and information sources.

 “NYT the Daily”

Rabbis for Human Rights

Multifaith solidarity statement from Seattle Area Faith Leaders

Beyond a Two State Solution by Jonathan Kuttab. Available on Nonviolence International website

YouTube channels RantWoman considers valuable for various reasons

Beau lives in FL. He clearly has some kind of military or national security background. He does videos in a variety of really fun T-shirts. He answers lots of questions very respectfully and responds in concise and centered ways to whatever the thread of the day is. Sometimes several videos per day.

Several different voices. Cenk Uygur (C is pronounced J in Turkish) and Ana Kasparian and others DO NOT mince words. Cenk follows news in the Middle East.

Fairly liberal Jewish voice. Has some, um, entertaining trolls.

Some Democracy Now segments

Ta-Nehisi Coates evokes MLK and speaks of segregationist apartheid regime

"book bans are signs of a weak and decaying order"

Craig Mokhiber formerly of the UN

International Humanitarian law

need new paradigm based on equality

open Israeli statements of genocidal intent

International processes are bad at holding human rights violators from the global north accountable and always in hurry regarding the global south.

"Israel is a state responsible for its own crimes."

"Where there is hope it is in civil society."

State department Official who resigned in protest

Note to self for next time: RantWoman likes to share recordings. Next time RantWoman will ask permission while recording is happening.

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