Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Holiday iconography 2022

RantWoman's Christmas work team is full of dyspeptic elves and proud members of the Asociation of Bad Friends particularly known for telling too much of the truth and not always even nicely.

RantWoman DOES mean Christmas even though RantWoman knows perfectly well there are plenty of tood ways and plenty of good reasons to go for HOLIDAY celebrations. DO NOT mash all the holidays together. Let us all feel both blessed in who we are and able to appreciate guests of other persuasions.

In any case, RantWoman is feeling inclined to accommodate the needs of Sight-dependent readers who need visual imagery on which to hang stories or as support for the verbal framework. 

Plus, it's just the holidays and weird things clamber out of RantWoman's psyche along with the Christmas decorations. Think of these as very over-the-top emojis

The following bits of iconography may or may not be sprinkled through blog posts over the next few weeks.

Foliage, one white blossom, and several pink ones
The Blooming
Christmas cactuses
symbolizing good friendship and
faithful annual flowering


A line drawing of a Christmas tree with simple ornaments
This line drawing in honor of kindergarten traumas
trying to color inside the lines and in
appreciation of options to make tactile graphics
where it's easier to color in the lines
Also emblematic of regular holiday vexations


A compost symbol

Assorted rotting food on its way to compost
Royalty free Food waste not quite composted
to symbolize themes
that come back and back and back
and lack of patience about finding
exactly the right royalty free graphic

RantWoman was astounded by the scale of some piles which turned up when RantWoman asked the internet for images of steaming piles of manure. 

A modest sized steaming pile of manure
RantWoman imagines the meaning
will be clear in context. Also please do not @ RantWoman about
methane and livestock production if only because RantWoman
does not have a better metaphor handy.

Some activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal pills
Activated charcoal for those times
when RantWoman is sorely tempted to hand out
lumps of coal and instead something badly needs to be filtered 

lumps of coal AKA VERY intensely composted organic matter.

Gooey dark blobs which may be more annoying than actual coal
Skip the reflections about burning hydrocarbons and greenhouse gases,
how about nutritionally appalling no-bake cookie recipe
involving crushed oreos and minimarshmallows instead

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