Tuesday, October 18, 2022

So many disabilities that impact people's lives and mostly don't impact ability to climb stairs.


RantWoman, why you gotta put this stuff all over your blog?

Because sometimes, little by little, someone does something right! Please cue THUNDEROUS applause and energy to toddle forward.

Because accessibility problems do not only happen AT Quarterly Meeting, because the SAME accessibility problems occur in LOTS of different situations, and because RantWoman has exactly ZERO F***s to give about a chorus of "I don' wanna" from far too many quarters.

Because RantWoman managed to channel Breme Brown and "The story I am telling myself is..." and read one line in an email as invitation to ADDITIONAL Meetings as well as the main event.

Because RantWoman, in the moment, passed up an occasion to blurt out something like "You don't have to tear down a VERY inaccessible house to be working on MANY other ways to improve accessibility. By inaccessible residence or inaccessible meeting place, or inaccessible to banish RantWoman to if RantWoman wants a wheelchair user to be the one sitting with her, RantWoman means, among other things, one cannot get into either the meeting space or the living area by either front or back door without being able to climb stairs. 

RantWoman wants to express DEEP appreciation for:

--Getting the Powerpoints to be screenshared in advance of an event.

Efforts, imperfectly realized, to address RantWoman's comments about steps that help support Zoom meeting accessibility for everyone involved.

RantWoman unquestionably has more to say about a certain discernment process, but many who participated in an initial session felt energized SO ONE THING AT A TIME. 

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