Thursday, July 28, 2022

Happy Birthday Liz "Freedom is for Everyone" Cheney


RantWoman's email inbox is overflowing with invitations to wish Rep. Cheney a happy birthday--by contributing to RantWoman is going to deliver birthday wishes differently, first with videos of politicians who CHANGED THEIR MINDS about Gay Marriage, a politician who voted one way and went the other way to a gay son's wedding. 

There's also that part before the gay marriage comments about massive displays of courage and integrity co-chairing the House January 6 commission.

Anyway, below the videos, RantWoman offers some piquant comments about politics. RantWoman thinks that will move conversation further than a contribution on this occasion to MoveOn. 

RantWoman is taking note of language Reps Cheney and Kinzinger use about for instance election deniers weaponizing TFG supporters' love of country or abusing TFG's base. RantWoman finds this language interesting. RantWoman also notes that people many times take a long time to leave bad relationship.

RantWoman has no more power to help Liz Cheney in her primary than she does to help WA Republican representatives Dan Newhouse and Jaime Herrera Beutler who both voted to impeach TFG.  Still RantWoman is rooting for her.

Next, RantWoman wants Democrats to just STOP IT about funding the most batshit Republican candidate in some primary races thinking an insane opponent will be easier to beat in November. Campaign FOR something all you want but for heaven's sakes DO NOT fund the monster. Democratic "genius" ideas are what brought the country four years of TFG regime. DO BETTER THAN THAT this time.

While we're on the subject of WY let's talk Electoral College. RantWoman is not unconcerned with the argument that the electoral college embodies institutional racism because it gives WY voters several hundred thousand times the impact of say CA voters. RantWoman would happily point out that a really good way to shake up campaign math would be for all states to do away with the winner take all rule. That SHOULD force parties to adjust their campaign strategies and would get everyone much closer to the electoral college tracking with the popular vote 

RantWoman is  familiar with similar proportionality arguments about the filibuster. RantWoman would not abolish the filibuster. RantWoman would however reduce the filibuster threshold to 55 in HOPES that would open a window where some brave Republicans might be willing to step forward and break the Republican gerontocracy's logjams.

RantWoman does not mean these birthday present comments necessarily as advice but more as nuding open doors to further conversation. 

Beyond that RantWoman was asked recently to speculate on Rep. Cheney's future if she loses her primary as seems likely: RantWoman thinks any number of top-notch universities would be lucky to have her on the faculty. RantWoman has no opinion about think tanks or corporate boards but would like to imagine another run either for Senate or for President.

But for now, HAPPY BIRTHDAY..

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