Monday, April 11, 2022

Brother Franklin goes to Moscow? May we please at least stop dehumanizing each other. Pretty Please.

Brother Franklin, could you maybe please also ring up Patriarch Kirill? 

RantWoman, what, what, what? Franklin Graham, well-known homophobe, is not particularly on many Friends' go-to lists when thinking of paths to peace. 

Nor unfortunately is Patriarch Kirill of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Kirill, besides being well-known for homophobia is also an ardent cheerleader for Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine, and this despite every other Orthodox body in the world opposing the war.

"B-b-But, some Twitter voices say "the Russian Orthodox Church is so entertwined in the Soviet and post Soviet Russian state they hardly count as a church. Yeah, if God were to ask RantWoman's opinion, "do something about that establishing an official religion thing." But it's Easter Season, Holy Week, language the two faiths ostensibly share even if they disagree about the calendar.

Anyway, RantWoman wants officially to offer props to Franklin Graham's call for an Easter Ceasefire.

From the Billy Graham Evangelical Association.

Franklin Graham writes Putin and Zelenskyy calling for Easter Cease Fire

text of Facebook post

Franklin Graham
about 2 weeks ago

We have all been heartbroken to see the lives that are being utterly devastated by the deadly conflict going on in Ukraine since February 24. I just returned from Ukraine where Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association have teams working to bring help since just after the fighting began. This is a man-made disaster, a historic humanitarian crisis—and I believe God is the only solution. I am urging Christians around the world to pray for God to work in the hearts of leaders involved and to intervene and bring peace and an end to the conflict.

I have written to Russian President Vladimir Putin and to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asking for a ceasefire from April 15-24 which encompasses the 10 days of Holy Easter observances around the world. I shared with them that I will be calling on churches in Ukraine, Russia, and around the globe to join together in prayer during those 10 days. May we humbly unite before the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Prince of Peace, to ask for His help and mercy.

Someone asked why I asked for a ceasefire just for 10 days. If they can stop fighting for a week or 10 days, maybe they can stop fighting for two weeks. If they stop for two weeks, maybe they can stop for a month. If they stop for a month, maybe they can stop for good. You've got to start somewhere.

I pray there will be an end to this horrible conflict even sooner—Today! But if not, maybe this could be a starting point. Will you join me in this prayer?

Patriarch Kirill, you there?

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