Monday, November 2, 2020

RIP Service Python Friend

From the meeting newsletter

"Long-time, long-inactive UFM member (Service Python Friend), a passionate birder, has recently died. Care and Counsel has no further details at this time."

No Of COURSE we can't go visit the ofrendas at El Centro this year, so...
Pink and white tissue
paper flower

RantWoman here offers an All Souls Day remembrance for the comfort of Mrs. Service Python Friend and Service Python Friend's 3 adult sons. But first RantWoman wants to express considerable irritation:  Service Python Friend has been dealing with health difficulties including recovery from a broken hip for quite some time, but whether or not Care and Counsel committee noticed, "long inactive" is not accurate unless coming to worship somehow does not count! Service Python Friend--and Mrs. Service Python Friend--have attended 9:30 worship at least a couple times during RantWoman's period of prayerful presence and observation over the last year. 

What else has Care and Counsel maybe not noticed???

There. Now that RantWoman has gotten that out of her system, a few remembrances:

Service Python Friend earned his nom de blog for suggesting during early days of RantWoman's midlife vision meltdown that maybe a service python would be helpful. Suggestions that crack RantWoman up are always helpful!

Service Python Friend almost always attended 9:30 worship. For a time he was the voice of that worship community on UFM's Worship and Ministry committee but he found this kind of committee service less than joy inducing. Service Python Friend also served on a couple NPYM committees.

Service Python Friend worked for many years as a hearing officer at the King County Assessor's office. Service Python Friend shared few lurid details of the appeals he heard but he regularly expressed amazement about the excuses people offered for not needing to pay their property taxes. As he neared retirement, Service Python Friend also pursued a degree in social work, but RantWoman is unclear whether he ever actually worked as a social worker.

Service Python Friend often spoke fondly of his wife Mrs. Service Python friend. Mrs. Service Python friend has a different last name and was never active in Meeting until near the end of Service Python Friend's life when she brought him to worship regularly. RantWoman sometimes teased Service Python Friend about ever getting to meet Mrs. Service Python Friend. Service Python Friend would simply say "She doesn't exist." She does exist and RantWoman sends heartfelt condolences.

Service Python Friend has 3 adult sons including a pair of twins, one of whom is 6 minutes older than the other. As a former data analyst at a now consolidated HMO called Group Health, RantWoman collects Group Health moments. Service Python Friend's moment: the whole time Mrs. Service Python Friend was pregnant with what turned out to be twins, the doctor did not do an ultrasound, but on a hunch in the delivery room the doctor requested a second baby cart. And indeed a second baby appeared. 

Service Python Friend will be remembered with much appreciation for his wry sense of humor and deadpan delivery. Many blessings with the memories

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