Sunday, February 18, 2018

And into Plowshares Beat their Swords ?

RantWoman feels like a biblical literacy philistine. To wit, RantWoman has NO CLUE what Isaiah 2:1-5 is doing as the reading at RantMom's church for the first Sunday of Lent. Further reflection headed at least for the mean-to-read list, along with crankiness about the wording of the chosen Bible version (beating swords into shovels? Really?) as well as gratitude for an app that allows RantWoman to search a whole bunch of versions.

RantWoman thanks her search engine for turning up this video based on the search string "and into plowshares beat their swords." The video was not one RantWoman was looking for and RantWoman does not know enough Hebrew to know how much of the passage is being sung. RantWoman will cope with  risk of words going awry; RantWoman expects readers to do likewise.

4 signs, Calendar, the Calvin Workshop, Drumming, and Project Safe Place

Anyway, RantWoman is delighted to have gotten a peek at the passage as part of the next in the series of Calvin workshops at RantMom's church. Today's workshop was on Christianity as an embodied religion and included wonderful movement mirroring and  reflection moments. Plus exploring faith with RantMom is always a good thing, AND it was nice to see one of the other parishoners looking like she is feeling MUCH better after back surgery.

Understand, RantWoman can find plenty of reasons to be wary of anything called "movement," but the food after Calvin workshops has been wonderful, and RantMom's church comes with JOY, JOY from calm kids participating in exercises, joy from adult friendliness, and joy from the Light of the pastor. So off RantWOman went.

The "movement" part turned out to be nicely bearable. That is RantWoman, Rant Mom,  the woman who just had back surgery, and some others for various reasons opted mostly to sit. (No, adding Ambassador Thwack would NOT have been a good idea.) RantWoman did discover that the woman who just had surgery is one of those (COMPARATIVELY)  calm people with whom it can be pleasant just to sit and NOT follow the program.

NO, RantWoman is probably not going to resume ancestral Presbyterian connections, but RantWoman is ALWAYS grateful to visit.

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