Monday, November 21, 2016

All Are Welcome for Thanksgiving Worship and Potluck Feast

Got Plans for Thanksgiving? RantWoman reflexively invites any and all to

Meeting for Worship, 11 am.

Potluck Feast, 12:30 pm

(help with cleanup if your holiday is not complete without some dishwashing around 2:30-3:00)

University Friends Meeting,

4001 9th Avenue NE

Cool things about Thanksgiving at RantWoman's Meeting: First, messages tend to be both very grateful and insightful. Also Thanksgiving way more than Christmas is when there are lots of people who never come the rest of the year and even people who show up for the feast and skip worship.

RantWoman also blesses Meeting's Thanksgiving celebration for satisfying RantMom's need dating from crowded family celebrations for a crowd, and a crowd where the flow is something more than RantMom's dear "I must invite my children over and feed them" holiday reflex. Furthermore, this year RantMom's right arm (she is left-handed but still) is in a sling after some carpal tunnel surgery. At home, RantMom has various adaptations, but BOTH RantSisters this time are able to come over and help. RantWoman for instance went over yesterday to do dishes and leave behind some peeled mandarin oranges.

RantWoman tells the Rant Family, if they want to find RantWoman that is where to look!

Join us!

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