Sunday, July 5, 2015

Discipline! Electronically?

North Pacific Yearly Meeting is revising our Faith and Practice. The Committee attempting to herd NPYM Quaker cats together into unity about the content is called the Committee on the Discipline. The Discipline. Not the Committee on Discipline, alas!

The Committee on the Discipline is attempting to find language that speaks to both faith and practice in the realm of electronic communications. RantWoman is called first to digress and noodle about and meditate about the word discipline.

RantWoman is aware that the concept of shared commitment and spiritual grounding are supposed to be topical. RantWoman means to meander about that topic further but not now.

RantWoman remembers when she first moved to Seattle and read of the annual Gay Pride march. RantWoman THINKS it was the security volunteers for the march who were  issued T-shirts that said "Obey Me!" O Baby! Discipline!

RantWoman can herd people around and direct people to bathrooms and filter out SOME psycho behavior simply from the souls who are simply lost. RantWoman can do this, single standard of Truth, in all sorts of costumes:

--a white Symphonette dress (Really!  Besides RantWOman Symphonettes from RantWoman's year include: a fashion designer, a kickboxing teacher, an AIDS doctor, and a couple other not exactly debutante titles.

--assorted T-shirts and / or armbands issued by various rally coalitions and women's music festivals.

--the numbered jackets RantWoman and team were issued for a brief get-paid to go to rock concerts security gig.

RantWoman is also an oldest child, with rampant Oldest  Child Complex. Somewhere in RantWoman's brain there is an insistent voice yammering away about how RantWoman is supposed to be Responsible for Everything! So RantWoman could get REALLY carried away about this "Obey me" thing.

May we all, though, please settle for some thoughtful discussion across multiple media, blogs, in person, hopefully in committee meetings?

In the Light


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