Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hours and hours of wholesome fun with MINUTES

RantWoman, MUST YOU fuss and cavil and quibble and edit and editorialize all over EVERY SINGLE bleeping, blessed, freaking set of draft minutes that cross your eyeballs?

RantWoman apologizes, sort of. Presently, RantWoman's life is WAY too richly endowed with people speaking on her behalf, telling her they feel no need to interact and therefore RantWoman does not either, telling her what she does or does not need to interact with, telling her she is "so out of order" for noticing things other people show no signs of detecting.

One time a few months ago, RantWoman even had to have an argument on the "what RantWoman needs" theme with RantMom over a supply of vacation oatmeal. (How apt.) Even worse, RantWoman also detects expectations that she is supposed to be GRATEFUL for all these ever so generous offers to do discernment onher behalf. The point: RantWoman is not sure she can even interact with the "must you?" question above.

Hold that point and all in the vicinity of RantWoman's Inner Blowtorch in the Light, hopefully a more transformative Light than RantWoman's Inner Blowtorch alone.

Here are RantWoman's meditations upon the draft minutes from last month's Meeting for Business, just in time to ferment with Nominations season. Praise Jesus!
Remember "RantWoman, I am not interested in your thought processes" Friend, formerly of the Oops Well committee, from many moons ago?

Committee to Nominate the Nominating Committee  ...
Friends APPROVED "RantWoman I am not interested in your Thought Processes" Friend to serve on Nominating, and APPROVED laying down the current Committee to Nominate the Nominating Committee.

RantWoman admits that suggesting the insertion of noms de blog for either the nominee or the Committee to Nominate the Nominating committee.are probably unhelpful. Hold the idea of noms de blog in the Light and PLEASE do not tempt RantWoman to elaborate further.

Care & Counsel:
...Friends APPROVED membership for The Safest Sex Offender on the Planet.
The Safest Sex Offender on the Planet did not waste any words in his membershp application; nor did the recording Clerk waste words recording this in the Draft minutes.

RantWoman is GLAD this membership was basically a non-event, GLAD that other vexed questions did not get entangled in the discussion, GLAD to hear / be reminded of a few points from history not reflected in the minimalist minutes. RantWoman would feel blessed if words about how exactly to adjust the wording were given to someone else, but there goes RantWoman with God as personal butler wishes again.

Facilities: Announcement of emergency Quaker House sewer repair
RantWoman's memory of the announcement was something like:
--Yes, we have money to pay for it.

--Y'all better be really fond of the tree that caused the trouble.

--There was this slick plastic stent involved that will give us another twenty years of life out of our clay sewer pipe.

--Oh, and the people affected by the sewer issues: they are getting fed pizza and have a shower option and are being WAY nicer about it than the person giving the report admits he would have been.
RantWoman again hopes words about how to adjust the below will come to SOMEONE, better yet, someone else besides RantWoman.

(Clerk of Facilities Committee) reported that a side sewer failed at Quaker House last week, caused by tree roots attacking the clay pipe. This required immediate repair work at a cost of approximately $4,500. After consulting with several Friends, Facilities decided to spend an additional $5,000 on further work to prevent recurrence of the problem without removing the tree. This meant spending the rest of QH’s maintenance budget for the year as well as money budgeted for the QH building reserve fund.

On the bright side, RantWoman finds it a peculiar blessing to sit with these quibbles; RantWoman hopes that light comes to others as well. But hold RantWoman in the Light in the event that she also becomes clearer to record the more scalding things she spoke of during Concerns.

In a nutshell, what is said during Concerns customarily is not recorded in the minutes.  RantWoman spoke of circumstances which seem to her to be Silencing but which are recorded in past minutes as "mentoring." RantWoman would SO like there not to be so much data behind RantWoman's concern. Hold that thought in the Light.

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