Thursday, August 1, 2013

Protest and Survive

RantWoman's febrile mind is hovering somehwere between Protect and Survive  and a slogan she is considerably more familiar with, Protest and Survive. RantWoman permits herself to wonder in passing about applicable theology but for now RantWoman is just collecting imagery

RantWoman does not have any imagery from activities on this side of the pond; RantWoman does suspect her collection of moldering protest T-shirts probabluy include a couple iterations of the slogan.

RantWoman hereby includes a link to something from her past.
In particular, RantWoman in the summer of 1983 was interning in our nation's capital, doing data things for campaigns to stop the MX missile. At a certain point, RantWoman became really clear that her calling was not particularly that flavor of lobbying but instead to GO TO PEACE CAMP.

RantWoman honors the anniversary of her arrival at peace camp, along with the peculiar opportunity to recognize a certain heart racing  head pounding panicky feeling sometimes when beset by many not very friendly people waving US flags on pointed sticks in her face.

RantWoman learned and learned of many things at Peace Camp.

And today, RantWoman needs an assortment of other spiritual sustenance.
Hope, Part 3

My people, with links to two very different additional voices

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