Monday, June 18, 2012

Quaker NON-drinking game

Greetings from the Ministry of Mirth lately travelling in ministry to the Ninth Pacific Northwest Quaker Women's Theology conference.

Many women from Northwest Yearly Meeting who attend this conference have connections with George Fox University, currently GFU, formerly George Fox College or with George Fox Evangelical Seminary. Time was, when RantWoman was permitting educational institutions to deluge her with promotional materials, she received something from George Fox. RantWoman registers the fact of this correspondence. RantWoman remembers being slightly intrigued; RantWoman also definitely remembers the required Statement of Faith being just too much for RantWoman. RantWoman cannot imagine going to college in earlier decades where youth were forbidden to drink, dance, even play cards with faces on them! Now, though, RantWoman is wondering whether knowledge of important points of history and custom would have made a difference in RantWoman's preferences. To wit: Beware the Snare of the Tricky, Tricky Bear.

A phrase RantWoman liked from another frined about the conference: spiritual hospitality. Perhaps drinking songs with upside-down drinking cups are also spiritual hospitality in the Barclay sense of the term.

Beware the Snare of the Tricky Tricky Bear

Understand, RantWoman heard the title of the game as "Beware the STARE of the Tricky, Tricky Bear." RantWoman is terribly, grateful, after her second trip in two days to the Pool with a View,  to have arrived back indoors at the Pacific Northwest Quaker Women's Theology conference in time to observe several of the assembled women seated in a circle around a table holding upside-down coffee cups from the dining room, chanting the words above, moving their upended cups back and forth and laughing uproariously, all without evern having touched a drop of anything more intoxicating than water.

Beware the snare of the Tricky, Tricky Bear indeed.

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