Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Purest Propaganda BS

 Youtube is full of posters, INCLUDING Putin himself, excoriating Tucker Carlson after his interview of Vladimir Putin.

This item is typical ranting about all kinds of things but does mention Alexei Navalny

TYT re Lex Friedman on Tucker Carlson

RantWoman popcorn Kernel about He of The Terrible Fake Tan and Alarming Hair Thingie claiming he is being persecuted LIKE NAVALNY.


STOP pretending you have ANYTHING in common with Alexie Navalny.

Your cheeseburge and ketchup diet is not that good either for you or for the planet but you have not been poisoned and nearly died. 

Sorry not sorry you have no time to golf right now because of all your court dates, but no matter how many voices would be happy to send you to prison, NOTHING the US prison system can dish out will equal Russian arctice prison. And for better or worse, you at least are PROBABLY too old to get routed into Russian mobilization for the STUPID "special military operation" meat grinder in Ukraine. 




PS: RantWoman feels obliged to hold you somewhere in the Light and RantWoman will do the best she can not to singe that hair thingie on your head.

PPS. May God have mercy on all our souls.

Macron rules out nothing; range of options in broader discussions

#Ukraine #Russia #France #Macron #NATO

Posting without comment.

Bravo strategic ambiguity?

Comments on combatting Russian propaganda.
Note from other sources: Russia has declared Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty a hostile influence.

Russian growth rate on war economy

YouTube algorithms offer much more.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Denmark, people Denmark!

#Ukraine #GOPClownShow

RantWoman leans toward Dial-a-Tirade about many things to do with weapons shipments to many different places. It's too late at night to be coherent so RantWoman simply offers two videos, along with this tart comment: RantWoman hates a whole bunch of things about the current foreign aid bill. HOWEVER, RantWoman can see the point of a discharge petition to get it moving in the House. And if getting the bill moving accidentally results in yet ANOTHER Vacate the Chair motion, oh well.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Navalny's body is barely cold and the disinformation and batso conspiracy theories are running full speed. + An antiwar candidate +snapshot of a memorial vigil

#Russia #Ukraine #Navalny

Zach The Russian on Navalny Death
Mentions bad consequences of war for both sides
Comments from a bunch of Russian nationalists.

Pyotr Kurzin: short bio

Opposing the war is probably not good for a candidate's political future. Nevertheless.

One view: the Lives of Black People in Russia

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2024 

This video speed races through a number of topics. That has to be sufficient for RantWoman in Binge Blog mode.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Hero Lawrence O'donnell: Fani Willis' dad fought Trump team's theory to have her removed

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2024 #FaniWillis

This is by far not the strongest or most piquant video about the Atlanta court hearing into possible financial conflicts of interest on the PROSECUTION side of the Georgia #J6insurrection RICO case starring #DonTheCon and numerous co-defendants.

This post is mainly intended as a placeholder, a nudge to remember all the moments, both proud and outrageous making the two-day hearing..

Friday, February 16, 2024

'Democratic superhero': Russian journalist reveals letter Alexei Navalny...

This post is more an expression of personal rage, grief, outrage than any kind of comprehensive compilation of tributes.

It is also a gesture of solidarity with everyone working to make Russia a more democratic country with a stronger tradition of the rule of law, everyone daring to fight the toxic disinformation idea that there is no point in trying to fightcorruption because it is inevitable.

"Stop crying. Take a shot of vodka and get back to work.:
Look, RantWoman absolutely CAN and DOES fight authoritaarianism whenever possible without vodka.
RantWoman, when around the Russian custom of drinking shots of vodka, is to dilute the liquor as mucha s possible.

"Sanctions (among other things) have flipped Russia to dependence on Iran"

The latest from Jake Broe: another Black Sea fleet vessel sunk and other comments about Tucker interview

#Russia #Ukraine

Besides the drones taking out Black Sea vessels, RantWoman files for further attention:

--Comments about Speaker Mike Johnson and will the House vacate the chair in order to pass the aid bill????

--Comments about unloading old US stuff so there are excuses to build more.

--Somewhat disgusting war-themed Valentine memes

--Commentary about the Tucker sits at Putin's feet "interview." Even Putin thought it was too many softballs.

--A short flower market clip that is in Russian so RantWoman understands it better than clips in Ukrainian.

RantWoman has not brought herself to watch either the original Tucker / Putin encounter or the latest about grocery shopping. RantWoman's BS detector istaking incoming from multiple directions and encourages readers to use their own search engines for the latest news.

That said, some clips:
"Putin wanted a more sophisticated form of propaganda"

Also comments on #DonTheCon and NATO.


David Pakman unpacks Bonkers resons TC offered to do interview

Times Radio on invading anyone else

DW Key takeaways

Roman of NFKRZ: it's just BORING

Vlad Vexler on Putin endorsing Biden

Putin packed a lot of nonsense into two hours. This one takes on Putin about identity politics and what is or is not anti-democratic

Jake Broe: Putin didn't deliver on MAGA talking points

Putin wants to talk about the 13th century and the Mongol horde..

Suggestions about good questions that T could have asked.

Jake: "I sold out my country and all I got is this shitty interview"

Jake Broe on Kremlin reaction: Putin did not stay on message?

Gabe Sanchez reports

Jaroslav from Ukraine: Fact checking the battle of the pathological liars

Neil deGrasse Tyson: what would aliens would say about Earth?

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2024

RantWoman has an assortment of items she means to post for her #BlackHistoryMonth bing blog.

Tonight though, RantWoman has decreed that readers need some space aliens.

Who is Scaramucci and why Defendant T criminal caseS ARE'killing him' with donors

The vid below is a random Things Are Going Badly For #DonTheCon item. 

Problems fundraising? Too bad. So sad.

Problems affording, hiring, paying good lawyers after stiff previous ones for fees and flagrantly ignoring the advice he should be getting? Too bad. So Sad.

RantWoman reminds herself: No one is ever far from the love of God: X (formerly Twitter meme) from Franklin Graham.

It would be nice if way opened to deliver regular reminders of this to "Mango Mussolini," but causing that to occur is beyond RantWoman's light and WHO KNOWS whether the message would take anyway?

Does this absolve the rest of us of any obligation other than fierce defense of democracy?

More "on the other side."

RantWoman wants #DonTheCon:

--Out of the media

--Off of EVERY ballot. So RantWoman intends to send a TINY contribution to Nikki Haley's campaign and then considerably bigger contributions to a couple very credible Democratic Senate candidates, one incumbent and one insurgent. RantWoman also reminds WA readers that one can decide which Presidential primary to vote in as one votes and to consider opportunities presented.

--Ensconced in secure retirement on one of his properties, living on his Presidential pension. Even though  RantWoman finds many members of the #TrumpCrimeFamily absolutely loathsome, RantWoman cannot bring herself to sign up on the #TrumpForPrison2024 bandwagon. RantWoman CAN definitely see need for much more fulsome investigation of the family criming tradition.  MAYBE, though,  keeping the family patriarch securely housed but not in prison could be part of badly needed national cult deprogramming..

Alas for deprogramming the cult, The ONLY circumstance where RantWoman can see any anything that gets close to a pardon acceptable would be if #TFG were to COMPLETELY come clean about what all he has done with the stolen documents, who has copies. RantWoman is not holding her breath about any of this.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Elections Infrastructure Clown noses and Pinocchio?

RantWoman interrupts her #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2024 binge blog and hauls herself out of the Supreme Court Ballot Disqualification arguments about elections, democray, and Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin. 

#Russia #Ukraine 

(It turns out that the entire #DonTheCon disqualification exercise is, for RantWoman a giant bath in the post civil war history of the US, but RantWoman aspires to come back to that.)

First we have Vlad Vexler on Boris Nadezhdin, the latest sort of kind of halfway plausible opponent to President Putin, at least as long as he does not get too credible before "Bunker Grandpa" finds a reason to sideline him.

Next a month-old episode of Polish state Tv's "Break the Fake," with their trademark clown noses on Kremlin spokes apologists

Digression: the red clown noses make RantWoman desperately wish that some media outlets could tell the true story by enhancing certain images with their very own Pinocchio noses)

As for Tucker
RantWoman invites readers with stomachs stronger than RantWoman's who want to see the whole Tucker carlson Vladimir Putin conversation to just use your search engine. RantWoman is pretty sure she would just want to throw things at her screen and cannot afford to do that. So instead some commentary

Many more videos out there.

Exhuming Paved Over Cemetaries: Tulsa massacre

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackhistoryMonth2024 

Let the video speak for itself

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Two streams of war-related social media

Russian nationals have to choose carefully about which country they criticize the war from.

For anyone who thinks US disinformation is disgusting, here is some competition from Russia social media.


Monday, February 5, 2024

Haley goes on the talkies...and ...Blames Obama for racism????

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2024 

This might be a repeat. Tough.

Ugggggh! There's help #DumpTrump and then there is acknolwedgment how history continues to bear hard on life in the US  and maybe even actual positive views of diversity.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

SILENCING and the Gospel: 1st Woman To Preach At National Baptist Church Joint Board Session

#BlackHistoryMonth  #BlackHistoryMonth2024 

RantWoman knows perfectly well that some of the language stories and themes are unfamiliar to many Friends.

Be enlightened.

NEXT question?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

#DumpTrump BUT Nimrata “Nikki” Haley Speaks Lies on President Barack Obama ...

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2024 

No! No! NO! Barack Obama is NOT responsible for division in the US. The US has been badly divided over matters of race since LONG before #POTUS44. That ultra-cringeworthy comment is only one reason that RantWoman has NO expectation that she will ever vote for Nikki Haley in the general election.

HINT to WA Voters: in WA in Presidential primaries, we can pick party affiliation AT THE TIME OF VOTING. We only get to vote one ticket but use your imagination...

Digression: RantWoman highlights for readers' attention without comment, the practice many African American commentators have of referring to Ms. Haley by her given name which speaks very clearly to her Indian American heritage.

Back to the #GOP primary
RantWoman has NO expectation that courts are going to free the nation from having to deal with the Mango Megalomanic at the ballot box 

No matter who the #GOP nominates, RantWoman forecasts TORRENTS of disinformation and dogwhistling between now and November. Brace ourselves.

RantWoman calls on every state to apply whatever interpretation of the 14th Amendment Section 3 works with their process. After all there is still the #GOP convention.

RantWoman definitely wants to her from EVERY state's process of deciding who does or does not belong on a ballot and who does or does not deserve delegates at the #GOP convention. That is, despite pressure, Nikki Haley should NOT drop out and permit the country's "favorite" deranged and senile sociopath to be crowned party nominee without hearing from the whole country.

True confession: RantWoman considers it critical to #DumpTrump and the sooner the better. RantWoman will be happy to cheer Nikki on to stay in the race, despite all the crap coming at her from all sides. RantWoman will also be vigorously making the case that we do NOT want Trumpian policies.

This should all be FUN

Speaking of other empires: BASHKORTOSTAN | Russia's Rebel Republic?

#Russia #Ukraine

Long ago when the Soviet Union was busy falling apart and the Cold War was lurching out the door, RantWoman remembers a call frequently to argue at least mentally with a famous professor about the importance of Russia's enormous ethnic diversity and the tangled interests of different populations within te Soviet Empire.

RantWoman's views have if anything become more pointed as she has burrowed further into learning.

That said, RantWoman is simply going to let this video speak for itself.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Roland Martin on Nikki Haley's Breakfast Club Interview: "This Is Nonsense!"

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2024 

One way or another this country is GOING to deal with race, racism, and dogwhistling about same.

Lord have mercy on us all.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

TONE POLICING: Republican Says Cori Bush DESERVES THREATS Because She's 'LOUD' ....

RantWoman INTENDS to spend #BlackHistoryMonth amplifying voices and resonating with nuances. RantWoman will also be calling out a number of people and topics.

Here, for starters is....HORRORS...a WHITE GUY calling people out about racism.Bombast may not be everyone's idiom, but for white guys who need to be called into new ideas, maybe this speaker is a good voice.