Monday, August 22, 2022
But God Didn’t Say That: Religious Community Members Talk God and Abortion
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Lauren Boebert wants a theocracy.
Friday, August 19, 2022
Thursday, August 18, 2022
A woman's wonderful interesting life.
Part of this story is of what sounds like a wonderful life well-lived
The other part of the story is about the strength of a community, a please hold us in the Light request from a Friend and relative present in the last days of a hospice journey, and the kind reflections offered after Terry's passing on a Meeting email list.
Be patterns. Be examples!
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
For reasons of visual relateability, RantWoman has not even requested permission to post an image called Resurrection in Lavender and gold that was part of the prompt for this week's Witness Wednesday. Funny enough, the words that came with the image are part of what held RantWoman. Also funny enough, RantWoman WILL get to a reason to post video clips about Liz Cheney and the Republican party.
— Georgia O’Keeffe (1887 – 1986) American modernist artist, known as much for her independent spirit and female role model as for her dramatic and innovative works of art
(For the record: when RantWoman herself needs to say things with color and shape, what tends to come out is "RantWoman is bad at both subtlety and minute detail." Sometimes that is what is needed.)
Query: Where is Resurrection needed in my life? My community? Our country? Our world?
Resurrection can be messy business
Richard Rohr: Stay with the suffering until the resurrection comes.
A chat exchange
The true measure of a patriot, To leave behind undemocratic ways.
Yeah. And Republicans could start by supporting the Voting Rights act and fighting voter suppression
What RantWoman posted in chat while silent in shared space:
WY is on my mind today. My dad grew up there. We have travelled there to see my grandfather, a Presbyterian minister.
WY is important if we want to move away from the fossil fuel economy. WY is also beautiful and living there, even in the cities there is really different from bigger cities.
Liz Cheney talks about being a conservative Republican in favor of small government, low taxes, and a strong defense.
I am not sure how small government squares with all the states going nuts with abortion bans.
We probably have different ideas of what a strong defense means but I am glad we agree that strong defense does not include destroying presidential records, playing fast and loose with classified documents, dissing gold star families...
I listen carefully when Liz speaks. I don't know whether her witness can get the Republicn party past its bad boyfriend situation with The Former Guy to some kind of renewal and I admire her guts in trying to talk about it.
All in with Chris Hayes: Saving democracy by saving the GOP?
Trae Crowder This Ain't your papaw's 'publican party
Somewhat embarrassingly, like is one allowed both to laugh and to cringe at the same video.
Gutfeld on freaking Faux Snooze
And on the other hand, "1 out of 4 Republicans in a very red state voted for someone actively trying to put TFG in jail."
Participate in QuakerVoice Discernment
Help Quaker Voice Set Its Priorities. Discernment Session, August 31, 7 pm, on Zoom. Register using this link.
Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy is embarking on a process of discernment about the scope and structure of its public policy advocacy, in a process called “Finding Our Quaker Voices.” We seek consultation and interaction with the broader Quaker community in the state of Washington.
You can provide your input to the process through the discernment session on August 29 or by sending a response to the survey found on Answers can also be sent to
(1) What are the issues that concern you most in the state of Washington, at the state or local level?
(2) Would you like Quaker Voice to take a position on these issues? If yes, what position?
(3) On which of these issues are you willing to take action at least at the level of contacting your state legislators about it?
This process will be used to write a new policy statement that forms the framework for Board decisions about signing on to advocacy letters and asking our activists to sign in pro or con in legislative hearings. Use this link Finding Our Quaker Voices — Quaker Voice ( for further details.
Susan E. Cozzens, scozzens AT live. Com, 404-483-8036
On the web at
RantWoman is posting this invitation as is. RantWoman will separately post some thoughts and questions of her own.
Liz Cheney post primary speech and John Oliver in time for the anniversary of the Afghan pullout
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Urgent Quaker Call with concern for US democracy August 18 7:30 EDT
For anyone who has missed news of the multi-organization Quaker Call of concern about the future of our democracy, please take a look.
August 18, 7-9 PM EDT Register Here
An “Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends” concerning the current extensive threats to U.S. democracy. This Call was prepared by a group of nineteen Friends led to speak out against the lies, extremist movements, and anti-democratic actions that are the opposite of Quaker understandings of integrity and Truth.
Accessibility note: the link above will take readers to a page to sign up for a Zoom session with worship sharing in breakout groups and efforts to collect the Light brought by participants in breakout rooms. There are links for various pieces of background.
Even though the text of the call can be seen on the Read the Call page many readers who want to read the call will be happiest first clicking on the Read the call link and then clicking on the Download the PDF link. This tip is also a polite way of saying RantWoman's screen reader could not find the text of the call until she clicked on the Download link.
RantWoman also wonders whether other Friends besides RantWoman may be called to respond to the query "What is missing from this call?"
Friday, August 12, 2022
ELECTED prosecutor speaks about prosecutorial discretion and democracy
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Political Reporting with Scenery: Australian Broadcasting Corp on Liz Cheney
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Witness Wednesday meditations
Thank you to Debilyn Molyneaux of The Bridge Alliance for bringing a quest for shared spiritual practice among organizations working in Washington DC, the connection via the link above and this week's Witness Wednesday prompt:
“There is the thought, and then there is the knowing of the thought. And the difference between being aware of the thought and just thinking is immense. It’s enormous… Normally we are so identified with our thoughts and emotions, that we are them. We are the happiness, we are the anger, we are the fear. We have to learn to step back and know our thoughts and emotions are just thoughts and emotions. They’re just mental states. They’re not solid, they’re transparent. One has to know that and then not identify with the knower. One has to know that the knower is not somebody.” ~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo (excerpted from the biography Cave in the Snow by Vicki Mackenzie)
This quote on first read landed squarely in RantWoman's "too much Buddhism makes me want to punch someone" nerves. RantWoman is VERY glad she did not stick with her unease but instead digressed to read the Bridge Alliance website above.
Further worship brought further words about detachment, about Abrahamic religions' dwelling in an all-encompassing external.
Just when RantWoman was thinking "oh good I don't have to tear myself out of some external, along came, in the chat, "Thoughts and emotions are just like clouds, they will pass. I am the fullness of the sky behind them."
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Really DUMB Democratic tactic!
Sunday, August 7, 2022
YES! Dialogues in Faith Communities about property stewardship and community vision.
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Graphic from the Faith Land Initiative website because this post needs a visual |
Yes! Yes to the Church Council of Greater Seattle Faith Land Initiative !
YES to faith communities engaging actively about growth projections indicating that a million people are likely to come to this region by 2050 and where to put them all is going to be an acute concern for everyone.
YES to a certain Meeting RantWoman is supposed magically to stop caring about participating WITH OTHER FAITH COMMUNITIES in something that feels much more like life-embracing movements of Spirit than tiring discussion from a few years ago about "condo church" in the University District.
YES to a group of Friends offering time for a process that will last a year at least and YES to there being at least ONE Friend younger than 60 among this group.
YES to intentional discussions that cultivate shared work and wider conversations than one small committee trying to fit a bunch of things easily into boxes.
Early in a previous attempt at property discernment, RantWoman suggested just developing a glossary of terms that might be valuable in a conversation. Discernment about property matters involves terms from many different language domains. Not everyone is going to become urban planners or experts in every angle but in RantWoman's experience common vocabularies that do not make assumptions or presuppose any direction for a final destination can be extremely valuable. Ignoring this suggestion did NOT enhance RantWoman's confidence in previous process. RantWoman would be thrilled if this new process adopts RantWoman's suggestion or perhaps has already thought about this.
RantWoman realizes discernment about faith community property is not necessarily about the spiritual and worship life of any single faith community. RantWoman also hopes that discernment well done will bring to life better communities of all kinds
RantWoman lives in two worlds as far as advocacy / public ministry. Transportation advocates tend to go "Huh? when RantWoman wants to think of faith communities. And some of RantWoman's faith community work is with people who go "Huh?" about transportation issues. RantWoman would love it if the Faith Land Initiative can help build bridges about transportation issues both at a regional scale and in terms of one of RantWoman's favorite mantras about safe continuous travel networks for all modes..
RantWoman craves a process that also engages with hard realities about climate change, the needs of people of different ages, and earth-friendly amenities.
People with Disabilities? The voices of PWD? Access needs even to be part of a process!
RantWoman needs to speak of African American Church lady hats and how housing and travel patterns intersect about people's ability to worship together. RantWoman some years ago caught a bus to Meeting near an African American church known for strong community presence. It made RantWoman sad to realize that because of housing displacement most of the people who came on Sundays all dressed up drove in from the 'burbs, the areas they could afford to live in.
RantWoman needs to speak of the Sunday Morning God bus and the fate of faith communities along a certain bus routes. RantWoman can be all over concepts such as "time to pray" on the bus. RantWoman thinks it's equally important though to think of models such as the 15-minute city full of neighborhoods where most people can live within a 15-minute WALK of work and most of what they need for daily lives.
In any case, YES! KEEP TALKING.
Interest Group Evaluation "Punishment is not Accountability."
RantWoman deeply appreciates transparency. RantWoman also likes it when data gets reviewed by more than one set of eyes. RantWoman writes of a Friend who personally has a mixed record in RantWoman's experience about the more than one set of eyes and about many questions here. RantWoman writes holding this Friend an multiple others present in an NPYM Interest Group in the Light. RantWoman also writes from a perspective of "these are RantWoman's thoughts now and are subject to further discernment.