The Zoom Machine Retreat Elders |
RantWoman thought the Fluffy Purple Chicken upholding this meditation from below was only trying to curb RantWoman's capacity to procrastinate about some transit nerd "how is this project doing?: writing. Or perhaps the Fluffy Purple chicken is about helping RantWoman digest the many positives from her week Zooming with FGC. But no! RantWoman has threads from an even earlier retreat supervised by the elders above to comb out.
First a couple of the threads RantWoman is feeling blessed about from the FGC gathering:
RantWoman thinks it was in a worship group. One Friend spoke of not seeing why it is necessary to keep talking about things that happened hundreds of years ago. Later a different Friend spoke of grappling with the fact that her family owned slaves in about 8 states and being sorry if that hurts someone else's feelings.
The same day RantWoman made some comment about a "blessed community" as opposed to a "Bless your Hearts community" in the Southern sense.
RantWoman appreciates the Friend who objected to this usage: No RantWoman does NOT mean to disparage everyone in the South especially when RantWoman is speaking a need for grace in any comminuty anywhere.
RantWoman will endeavor to think about other phrasing.
RantWoman will also wait until videos of the evening speakers to go from there to meditations on Trust circles in Baltimore Yearly Meeting and tools, space to talk about...
RantWoman will now let the Fluffy Purple Chicken preside over the raw undigested threads RantWoman scribbled in her drafts folder about the earlier retreat.
Fluffy purple chicken plus metal mocha mug plus desk clutter |
got the workbook in time to read fast but not process
having things read to pull out bits
blessed community vs bless your heart community
open with reflection on state of US
nervous. If I speak too many times about disability will I just get excluded from future meetings.
put dolls up behind me instead of blur. So what if they can't really be seen in the Zoom
will chatter from screen reader get in way of what I am supposed to listen
reading the chat and savoring the messages even if that means I am ignoring the speaker
I feel the presence of God in SSFM
kids parents teachers
when people understand that even if I am not looking I am paying attention.
when someone besides me expresses the value of email lists that are not just announcements
I don't the F WANT to belong to everything there is out there to belong to. Sometimes the best I can do is decorum. Sometimes decorum is overrated.
comfort belonging
Aunt Alice and Uncle Jim
seen or known: recent convo about pablo
risk and vulnerable
known had to rely on others
spontaneous compassion as opposed to spontaneous combustion
Woolman visited first nations
connections and weaving all things working together for good
bridging overleaping boundaries
prayer across differences
Has someone stopped you before you made a big mistake? Subtler redirection
Sense of presence / sacred covering
the freedom of forgiveness
glad I did this on computer and did not try on phone.
The peaceable kingdom painted 60 versions from Isaiah
blessed community like fungus connecting forest over miles
any order of scale is irrelevant we need it all
bees: I hate it when metaphors don't know much about the object of the metaphor like bees
some of the images not explained eg viusal unity of gospel choir
interesting that the jazz is all shadows
chris as oboe, another friend drum earnest middle schoolers
geopolitics of pipelines
choir because lots of people love to sing but a place where I am afraid to sing for fear of disrupting. I love music and a deeply respect people who actually rehearse. I myself can't carry a tune well and only sing when there is a pip organ around to drown me out.
gifts and growing edges for me are
how to use and take care of my gifts
WCB advocacy
I can help grow blessed community beyond SSFM by
yone in the South especialaly when someone is talking about . Far from it.