Friday, April 26, 2019

Pesach passed on


Warning: Language that will not be to everyone’s taste. Cope.

RantWoman has shamelessly latched onto this FB post by a wheelchair user she knows both in solidarity with the poster and because it otherwise speaks to her condition.

RantWoman does not know of a better hashtag than #DisabilityInChurch

#PissOnAbleism also comes to mind.

RantWoman supposes 10 plagues are not necessarily needed every night of Passover, but how many plagues can readers spot in one short rant?


Yay. Not going to my shule's pesach event bc last event ( purim) they blocked the aisle to the bathroom with chairs no less, after nine thousand hours of negotiation. And i peed myself.

It takes a special kind of chutzpah to do this kind of crap and talk about freedom all at the same time dontcha think?

I am over it.

#ItAintProgressiveIfYou F*ckOverKrips


And adding  #SelfLiberation.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Faces Facing

"IN order to know God, we have to know all the faces of God" a friend at FGC

RantWoman thanks her morning Twitter habit for delivering the above image along with  sufficient readable text to overcome the visual yuckiness of this image.

By visual yuckiness, RantWoman means the image is very busy and there is very poor contrast between the letters and the background. But RantWoman has a versatile God and this image is far from the most exasperating #a11y issue on RantWoman's plate today.

RantWoman FURTHER thanks FGC not only for HAVING a social media team and even some social media guidelines which RantWoman considers an excellent jumping off poing for tending to matters continuing to roil RantWoman's soul.

In Light and Faithfulness.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Passover, Observed?

RantWoman knows hardly anything about Passover beyond the first night of Passover that has been passed on to Christianity as the Last Supper. Please see this year’s first pass take on the last Supper:

As far as Passover in particular, what exactly is different about the different days of observing the holiday? Seriously. The Google exists, but RantWoman would love to get favorite link or two in comments. RantWoman already asked one friend from college. Friend from college lives in a state where she frets about having Judaica visible when her students come over. Friend from college also joined the chorus of voices telling RantWoman “just do it” about bold things RantWoman is discerning about.

But first, back to Passover. Recently RantWoman was led to review the Exodus story of Israelites captive for 40 years in Egypt, the 10 plagues, until Pharoah finally got the message and let the people go.  RantWoman was seasoning this on Easter Sunday along with meditations about the liberating nature of Bible study with Joe Snyder. Consider Jesus and his schleppy friends. The schleppy friends probably could not actually be a lot of help considering Jesus’ habits of Talking to Women, performing miracles on the Sabbath, and overturning money lenders’ tables at the temple, among other offenses against Tradition. The meditations were going to be Too Much for Meeting for Worship. Hence the blog.


a message came out of worship about a children’s book explaining possible science basis of the 10 plagues, as well as of the Parting of the Red Sea. RantWoman has encountered these concepts  before. The term “community organizer” also popped up and RantWoman will come back to that rather than risk head explosion.


In a spirit of, even if one means to forgive, why do we still meditate on matters many years old, Remembering! God has suggested to RantWoman a need for some different bundles of ten plagues and narrative over time. For the duration of Passover, RantWoman offers meditations on past and plagues in a spirit of prayer, for one thing because RantWoman is clear Something Must Be Done. RantWoman has in mind several somethings. And RantWoman thinks the whole situation still needs prayer.


RantWoman apologizes in advance if this approach to Passover mangles any readers’ sensibilities about how to observe Passover. RantWoman asks the same forebearance she asked years ago on her other blog when sitting shiva seemed exactly the needed concept while RantWoman’s friends the definitely not Jewish Weed Whacking Wenches were grieving the passing of a beloved dog.


And yes, this series of posts WILL follow the RantWoman tradition of wandering all over the place, asking people who really like bullet points to try to let literature brain handle the narratives, and dragging people on yet more excursions to Planet RantWoman. Look RantWoman is into cultivating Gratitude herself. Still, RantWoman suggests readers remember: you only Visit Planet RantWoman. RantWoman gets to live here. RantWoman gets that she is WAY over achieving about insufferable and that she is currently not doing so well about being hospitable when people visit. Thank you in advance for bearing with.


RantWoman is also doing the best she can to bear with and be modest about the glorious opportunities she is offering others for spiritual growth, continuing revelation about disability matters, and direct unmitigated experience of the Divine. In other words, EVERYONE needs to be held in the Light.


And a blessed Passover observance to all.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Metaphors. Maundy Thursday. Charoset ice cream?

On living like Jesus?


RantWoman has eccentric ways of observing major holidays.


Last week it was mistiming for Palm Sunday with pipe organ and flirting with the possibility of one’s head exploding over some “Grooming With God” concerns. RantWoman does not mean hairstyling and makeup techniques. RantWoman has secondhand info from a parent understandably irate about matters of “Christian education.” RantWoman is unclear about anything but clanging red flags (yep. Sonic manglement of applicable metaphor. Tough!). RantWoman is thinking of someone’s  wisdom a few years ago about a Nerf War. RantWoman is trying to keep feet on the ground and just PRAY.




RantWoman is thinking of marginalized kids everywhere, of what either did or did not work to hold one in community circles, of radioactive topics that get in the way of possibly needed family conversations. RantWoman does not mind a level of upset being noticed conversationally, and RantWoman will TRY to pull what is throbbing for matters close to her out of the family anxiety stewpot and hopefully in the presence of someone who can handle the vocabulary and not someone who….(never mind).




And family will at least solve how to spend time in each other’s presence for Easter.


Tonight it is Maundy Thursday. The Google served up some church options, but RantWoman is going to go with bitter herbs and charoset ice cream and a meetup in a bar where conversation recently ran to fasting for lent, alcohol and muslim heritage and 6-year-old Polish / East European immigrants blaming their Jewish classmate for the death of Christ.


Forget not also some Twitter acquaintances who today have been busy koshering their kitchens and looking for gluten free matzoh.


RantWoman has been trying to decide whether she should purge herself of inclination to exclaim “when Baptists celebrate Passover, there is a crucifixion involved.” RantWoman does not mean this exclamation as any kind of invitation to pogrom. The times RantWoman has been part of a seder, the flow of the event is more about invitation into important space, life as Jesus experienced it and the presence of God and grace among a bunch of friends who are, to put things delicately, kind of schleps, and kind of schleps over and over.


Here RantWoman’s Twitter feed served up @GregKoskela:


When I was a pastor, I was often in awe of the honor and privilege it was to have people invite me in to their deepest pain and agony. It was holy ground.

Tonight in Maundy Thursday worship at Newberg Emerging Friends Church, it hit me that Jesus gave that honor to his friends. He invited them into his pain and struggle in the garden of Gethsemane.


The anguish we are allowed to see in Jesus is a holy moment in itself. I won’t hurry to Easter just yet.

Tonight in Maundy Thursday worship at Newberg Emerging Friends Church, it hit me that Jesus gave that honor to his friends. He invited them into his pain and struggle in the garden of Gethsemane.


Who? What? Easter? Metaphors?


For now food. RantWoman peculiarly likes both bitter herbs and charoset and one of these years RantWoman will get her hands on some charoset ice cream.



Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Palm Sunday minus pipe organ after party at the House of Silencing

Ah the multitudinous membership of the Still Didn’t Get the Memo Committee on Email Immoderation, um besides RantWoman, a couple other likely candidates, and the authors of a statement about email among other things that RantWoman considers so silencing as to be dangerous, not to mention the moments below.


RantWoman sent 3 emails of note and a whole bunch for seasoning recently:


--One TRYING to reach out to a young friend who RantWoman has unintentionally hurt


--One suggesting that if someone gets email when RantWoman has hit reply/all to an email addressed to all members of a committee, it is not reasonable on either committee practicality or accessibility grounds to expect that RantWoman will be able or willing to go to a lot of extra trouble to delete one member of the committee. RantWoman made a number of technological suggestions to ease the trauma of this reality. RantWoman has heard no responses to her suggestions, and it occurs to RantWoman that other email list administration suggestions might be on point.


--A third email suggesting that it STILL is not reasonable to expect that all emails are going to be cheerful and fun to read for example because someone needs to speak of topics no one in a community is required to like but it MIGHT be reasonable to hope someone can deal kindly, appropriately with.


PLEASE hold these points in the Light.


RantWoman is very humbly grateful for various community tidings that came along with the following:



An actual snippet of an email to the community:




In case you are interested, this link contains the instructions for blocking emails.

First are instructions for blocking any email messages from a specific sender. However, this will not block you from getting the emails via "reply-all"s with the person in question.


To keep yourself out of an entire email thread that includes back-and-forth replies from several people, you need to additionally block all emails sent to [both you AND the other person]. Those instructions are also included.


Feel free to forward widely and edit the document as needed. If you find yourself getting frustrated, (Friend whose relationship with group emails needs to be held in the Light) and I are both able to help troubleshoot.


(Identity of sender omitted.)



What comes to RantWoman:


1.    Friend, what are you hoping to accomplish with this email?


2.    Do you realize that people who use other email services and who want to do this will need equivalent instructions based on their email services?


3.    I assume you realize that the second part of the suggestion may exclude those who use it from email they might actually want to read.


4.    RantWoman has other thoughts still seasoning.God is versatile. Enough said for now.


In Light and faithfulness




Sunday, April 14, 2019

State of Society

4/12/2019 UFM State of the Meeting Report - SECOND DRAFT - Google Docs 1/2

University Friends Meeting State of the Meeting Report


Our meeting recognized its limits this past year. It has been, at times, a painful process. With

this recognition has come new energy and a quiet refocusing and revitalization of our programs.

After long consideration, we reached agreement that our meeting house needs a professional

caretaker. The decision was made to eliminate the position of Quaker House Resident, long a

key player in meeting activities and hospitality, replacing it with a Facilities Manager. Volunteers

stepped into the hospitality roles. Committees rotate the responsibility for providing a “light

lunch” on second Sundays, while on fourth Sundays lunch is potluck.

Occasionally, individual behavior has not lived up to the ideals of community and peace that are

at the heart of Quaker life. Sometimes comments, ministry, and other communication have been

aggressive, harsh or rambling. Some in our community may have misused the flexibility of

Quaker process, speaking their minds without the full light of the Spirit. UFM has committed

itself to engaging these Friends from a place of love and spiritual discernment. We are also

resolved to hold these Friends accountable for their words and actions in the interest of

protecting the integrity, process and spirit of our meeting. Facing these truths and acting in

response has been difficult, and the work continues. Like a carefully cared for tree, though, we

hope that this work will help us bear more abundant fruit in future seasons.

Our systems of filling committees were not working. After reducing the number of committee

slots available across all committees, ongoing projects have found new vibrancy:

● Our Adult Religious Education program switched to a format which invites Quaker

sharing, both of our own experiences and around articles in Quaker

publications—istening beyond words, not just lecturing.

● Our monthly newsletter, Gleamings, underwent a cosmetic redesign under new editors

and submissions have increased.

● A clearness committee is working to form an AdHoc

Committee on Disability.

● Volunteers modernized, organized, and decluttered our library, clearing away older

volumes and making room for new light;in the words of one friend, “ransforming our

library into a 21st century spiritual resource.”A new project is underway now to create an

electronic catalog of all library materials.

● QuEST reported on the completion of its 26th year and its work to create a spiritual core

which embraces the fellows as they do their internships. Founded in 1992, QuEST has

161 alumni who have served in 56 agencies doing over 100,000 hours of service.

We recognized Nora Percival’ leading to train community health providers in Kenya as a new

ministry. Nora visited Chwele, Kenya, in May 2018 to teach basic preventive health practices

4/12/2019 UFM State of the Meeting Report - SECOND DRAFT - Google Docs 2/2

and peer training techniques. It was a “train the trainer” class, with the goal of making these

volunteers more effective in helping their clients. For many rural communities and urban

communities living in poverty, these community health volunteers are the only available medical

staff. In collaboration with Nairobi Yearly Meeting, Nora plans to return to Kenya in 2019, this

time to Kibera, a large slum in Nairobi, and develop a training program suitable for use


We continue to have a small but thriving first day school program. Typical attendance for

preschool and primary grades is six to ten kids. We now have about 20 adults who assist our

teachers as “second adults.” This helps adults and kids get to know each other and makes filling

our volunteer slots easier. Junior Friends and Central Friends meet on the first Sunday of the

month, with Central Friends from South Seattle Meeting joining us this year.

Friends active in Seattle's No New Youth Jail movement worked with Peace and Social

Concerns to draft a minute calling for a stop to the construction of a new youth jail. While unity

was not reached, the minute informed UFM"s planning for PNQM's fall session on the theme,

"Racial Justice: Quaker Abolitionism for the 21st Century." A keynote presentation by

Sweetwater Nannauck, Tlingit activist, set the stage for interest group discussions of

alternatives to police and prisons. This session was one response to Vanessa Julye's presence

at NPYM's Annual Session, where she called on Friends to uproot racism and white supremacy

in our Society. We have held one lightly attended

threshing session on responses to a proposed

Minute on Uprooting Racism from NPYM.

Thinking about the future, UFM completed an initial study of how best to steward our property

and worship space as our neighborhood, the Meeting, Seattle, and the Society of Friends

change. After a careful discernment process including two threshing sessions, interviews with

other churches, and other research, the committee presented its report. Key ideas were the

following: new construction is doable, particularly if we have a good partner to work with;

planning should be for where we want to be in 20 to 50 years; changes should be made in

tender consideration of the life and feelings of the community; and any new construction should

be in line with our leadings, including sustainability. No actions are planned at this time.

The Meeting approved a Minute on "Mobility Planning and Addressing Climate Disruption,"

endorsing the principles and spirit of the University District Mobility Project. The Minute was sent

to city and county elected officials, and to the Church Council of Greater Seattle.

We continue to come together on Sundays and Wednesdays in hope and fellowship. Our clerk

reminds us that we meet on native land. We listen to the clack of crow’s feet overhead, feel the

dappled sun and shade as tree boughs sway outside. We watch the sunlight, clouds and rain

upon Lake Union. We wait upon the Divine. We listen.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Boys, spring

RantWoman is filling her fingers for now with various thematic reflections. Here it is boys.


Irrepressible Nephew

Irrepressible Nephew is now 18 and 6’4”. He definitely no longer needs to stand on Auntie’s shoulders to be tall. He departed yesterday for a spring break trip with his church to build houses in Mexico. This is the third year in a row for this trip. Irrepressible Nephew is popular because he is bilingual. Irrepressible nephew loves the trip because he is growing into serious project management skill. The trip nearly got cancelled because of border closing threat silliness on the part of the current White House occupant.  So hold all in the Light.



Gravity is RUDE.

There is a 3-year-old who split his head open at his birthday party in this story, but first RantMom.

Hospital discharge after RantMom’s recent hernia surgery involved MANY loose ends. One is around fluid retention in the legs, help putting on support stockings, risk of blood clots, etc. Today concern about a blood clot got RantMom sent via Lyft, thankfully not be ambulance to Urgent care. An ultrasound showed no evidence of clot; also no signs of infection, just need to elevate legs and get support stockings on in a reasonable schedule.


The spooky moment: RantWoman had a meeting after worship. At the end of the meeting, RantWoman’s first thought was to head South even though RantWoman intended to go north to see RantMom in her new place. RantWoman got lunch, looked at her texts and realized why she was supposed to go south. Spooky. Shortly after RantWoman arrived at Urgent Care, a small boy in the adjoining  space began to HOWL in dreadful pain and exasperation.  It turned out he had fallen at his birthday party and split his head open. The laceration was being put back together with some variant of superglue.


 RantWoman is not clear what all was behind the distraught howling; the howling eventually stopped and there were soothing words about how well the child was doing. The spooky gift for RantWoman: the howling was of course distressing, but RantWoman was not climbing the walls nearly as badly as a time years ago shortly after RantMom moved to Seattle. RantMom was still recovering from cancer treatment and RantWoman made the mistake of allowing RantMom to come with on the bus to her eye doctor for some day after procedure event.  That was hard enough. Then a child needed for probably entirely fine reasons to howl. RantWoman felt TERRIBLE.

Monday, April 8, 2019

State of Siciety: preview and suggestions

RantWoman is NOT writing this year’s State of the Meeting Report. RantWoman found the initial draft well-crafted. Humbly, as usual, RantWoman found herself wanting to upset the careful crafting; RantWoman is also cross about things that seem otherwise to RantWoman than they are presented in the State of Society report. RantWoman reminds herself that she gets to suggest corrections. Others get to suggest corrections, and the practice is on the second monthly reading to accept the efforts of the drafters with gratitude.

Here were RantWoman’s suggestions, a couple notes added after the initial email, with particular emphasis in a second email on the joy of the FLGBTQC gathering including many steps inviting Friends to make access needs known and a clear point of contact before the event for accessibility requests. RantWoman is perfectly fine with the thought that she may be telling too much of the truth about a number of hard realities and hard realities that others want to lay at RantWoman’s feet. Suffice it to say, RantWoman has the sort of versatile God that gets things done lots of different ways but many many things need to be held in the Light.


Suggestions for the State of the Meeting Report.

RantWoman will keep to her practice of not posting the entire draft State of Society report until it actually passes through Business Meeting a second time. However, RantWoman is called to share a number of suggested additions to her blog and the known universe. (RantWoman will also check to see whether she has posted last year’s report. RantWoman remembers something like “learning about ableism” in last year’s report; RantWoman remembers thinking “Ableism? News to RantWoman?” But back to crafting this year’s report, acknowledging no word limit on suggestions even though good sense dictates that the State of Society Report should under NO circumstances be longer than two sides of a page in a reasonably readable font.


The minimalist approach: Add the italicized changes below to the draft:

● Volunteers modernized, organized, and decluttered our library, clearing away older volumes and making room for new light, including the cataloging of a large-print Bible for low-vision Friends who want actually to hold a book instead of interacting with an electronic device. A new project is underway now to create an electronic catalog of all library materials,

● Under new editors our monthly newsletter, Gleamings, underwent a cosmetic redesign including addition of headings to make it more readable for screen reader users. Submissions have increased.


The minimalist approach as above plus one addition, with disability content in italics:

·         In February our Meeting hosted a mini Midwinter Gathering for FLGBTQC with the theme Have FUN. Friends came from 3 yearly Meetings and several Monthly Meetings for a day of worship, crafts, food, fun and variety show. An invitation at Opening Worship to share access needs made it safe for Friends to speak of things others might not even have thought about.


Look, RantWoman knows there needs to be a word limit if only for the sake of readability. But RantWoman thinks it is never terrible to name some of the things our worship is a bulwark against, kind of like this:

We strive to remain faithful to Light among us in the face of many challenges:

·         Seattle is growing and its transportation infrastructure badly needs to evolve to keep up with this growth. A region-wide housing affordability crisis makes it difficult for many among us to find stable housing and also makes for many heated public meetings and creates many pressures for displacement.

·         We have been firmly reminded of ecological crises: last summer brought several weeks of wildfire haze, with many days so severe that people were advised to limit time outdoors. Images of an undernourished mother orca carrying around her dead calf haunted us for many days until the grieving whale was able to release her baby. This winter, we lived through a once in about 10 years two-week long snow emergency.

·         As if we did not have enough challenges evoking each other’s best selves, our national political mood assaults our souls, conscience, and sometimes physical beings.


Cut straight to the chase. Add as SECOND paragraph

Version 1

A long ago moment when Nominating Committee declared everything to do with disability off-topic for a Friend experiencing midlife vision loss continues to haunt our community, most recently with an appointed Care and Accountability committee for the same Friend that also thought its charge did not include figuring out what does or does not work about matters of disability. Currently a clearness committee is at work on a minute to create an Ad-Hoc committee on Disability at UFM to hear Friends’ stories and cultivate better mutual understanding.


Version 2

A long ago moment when Nominating Committee declared everything to do with disability off-topic for a Friend experiencing midlife vision loss continues to haunt our community, most recently with an appointed Care and Accountability Committee for the same Friend that also thought its charge did not include figuring out what does or does not work for that Friend about matters of disability. Considering the number of former clerks of Quaker everything flummoxed as we struggle to talk of these challenges, it has to be okay that lots of other Friends are struggling too. We are gratified though when people able to do many simple things turn out to be extremely helpful. Currently a clearness committee is at work on an effort to create an Ad-Hoc committee on Disability at UFM to hear Friends’ stories and cultivate better mutual understanding.


Version 3, the fractal version in danger of having as many characters as the entire rest of this post.

A long ago moment when Nominating Committee declared everything to do with disability off-topic for a Friend experiencing midlife vision loss continues to haunt our community, most recently with an appointed Care and Accountability Committee for the same Friend that also thought its charge did not include figuring out what does or does not work for that Friend about matters of disability.

RantWoman notes and greatly appreciates many step s our clerk took to try to recognize challenges of blindness in Business Meeting. However, efforts actually to discuss a number of different disability issues in Business meeting led to very colorful disruptions. There was no space for a perfectly legitimate at least to RantWoman question about wheelchair access to homelessness services provided by a new tenant. Another tangled discussion of minutes degenerated with occurrence of the word “idiot.” See multiple references on this blog. “Idiot” is certainly ableist language, and RantWoman is having the same problem about that term as many disability justice advocates have about words which may be used to characterize the current occupant of the White House. A matter of physical safety also entered the picture and the result was yet more distress, as well as lively ongoing dialogue involving “safety,” eldering, and a number of other challenging concepts.

Considering the number of former clerks of Quaker everything flummoxed as we struggle to talk of these challenges, it has to be okay that lots of other Friends are struggling too. We are gratified though when people able to do many simple things turn out to be extremely helpful. Currently a clearness committee is at work on an effort to create an Ad-Hoc committee on Disability at UFM to hear Friends’ stories and cultivate better mutual understanding and better centered processes in Meeting for Business.


Change the paragraph here as suggested by the italics

This year, our meeting considered several issues related to changes in our local community,  including a letter to the mayor and city council in opposition to the building of a new youth jail in  Seattle. This proposal led to dialog within the meeting, but no action was taken. Friends approved a minute making the connection between transportation changes in our area and the struggle to address climate change as the U district Mobility Plan (related to a new Light Rail station set to open in 2021) evolves.



Sunday, April 7, 2019


What shall we do with our gunfire?


TRIGGER WARNING: reference to multiple shootings, both homicides and suicides and other traumatizing circumstances. Readers who want linear narrative that ties together in a clear point: this is Planet RantWoman. It is DATA. Hold ALL the mentioned circumstances in the Light. That is all.


Please bear with the following somewhat macabre meditations evoked partly by a Friend’s message that he knew  and is deeply grieving one of the people shot recently in a bizarre shooting in a residential neighborhood in NE Seattle.


RantWoman’s everyday gunfire issue: the accessible pedestrian signal nearest RantWoman’s abode has one cycle that sounds to RantWoman just like gunfire. RantWoman has people trying to convince her she should just think woodpecker, like endangered species is somehow incrementally less distressing that gunfire. RantWoman has plenty of other people who ask “Accessible Pedsestrian Signal? What’s that?”


RantWoman checked, the person murdered in the Friends remembrance above was one of the victims here. Last week in Seattle, a guy who claimed to be black out drunk just randomly shot the driver of a car, shot a bus driver, shot two other people. Two people died. The bus driver is lauded as a hero: he realized he had been shot but was still conscious enough to back his bus out of the fire zone and get his passengers to safety! Now RantWoman gets to think of the incident every time she sees the affected route number, one RantWoman sometimes rides. Because of the heroism though, RantWoman would NOT like to see the route renumbered to hide the shooting.


15 years ago? The anniversary of a Friend’s father’s death. No gunfire here but mention of a disability.


15 years? Has it really been FIFTEEN BLEEPING YEARS since RantWoman’s first detached retina, the start of RantWoman’s foray into official legal blindness and sudden confrontation with things like accessible pedestrian signals that sound like gunfire? It’s pollen season again to also remind RantWoman... RantWoman found out there was a problem on the way to an interpreting assignment. RantWoman was early and stopped at the Department of Licensing to renew her expiring driver’s license. Um no. Instead of flunking one half of the eye test like usual, RantWoman flunked BOTH halves of the eye test. The clerk said “we’re really sorry but we have to suspend your license.”


A year later when RantWoman’s asked about the timely letter from the DMV RantWoman said truthfully she does not care that much about driving. She has never like driving. She gets to be all ecologically virtuous and not drive. RantWoman’s drivers’ license now says Medical suspension. And RantWoman gets to enjoy saying once in a meeting about a proposed new traffic pattern “I don’t drive—anymore—but that sounds really confusing.” The traffic engineer said, um, yes we are concerned too.


15 years ago plus a couple months: RantWoman’s friend MMK shot himself aft er over a year of repeated hospitalizations and multiple suicide attempts. If it were up to RantWoman, MMK would never have been able to buy a gun.  MMK defected from the Soviet Army in the late 1980’s by paddiling a canoe across the Black Sea to Turkey. He taught Russian at a military language institute in CA until Meniere’s syndrome stole a lot of his hearing and moved to Seattle. RantWoman’s caller ID always said a different name and RantWoman considers it a measure of friendship to know her friend’s full name even though she is not listing it here.



Sometime in the late 1990’s there was a domestic violence shooting in one of the Friends churches in OR. RantWoman remembers a recorded minister in NWYM saying in a worship group who admitted she hoped she was only going to be needed on Sunday but the superintendent of NWYM called up and firmly eldered her: even if all that could be done was to pray with people, that needed to happen. RantWoman deeply admires this Friend and is holding mention of the circumstances carefully in the Light in communion with others who maybe also do not leap instantly to do as God asks.


25 years ago this week punk rocker Kurt Cobain shot himself. When RantWoman first moved to Seattle, she wanted to attend an annual fall festival but had NO spare money. RantWoman saw a help wanted ad seeking Event Staff for this festival. RantWoman called every day and harassed the office convincing people that her past as a symphony usher, rally peacekeeper, event security at a women’s music festival meant she could probably also handle the crowds at said festival. For RantWoman’s trouble among other events, RantWoman was event staff at Nirvana’s last arena show in Seattle in December 1993.


RantWoman’s story from that show: RantWoman and a male police officer both inadvertently got stoned in the atmosphere of the concert. This would imply that attempting to police anything about illicit substances was basically pointless. Over a shared bag of salted peanuts, RantWoman and the police officer both commented that Cobain seemed REALLY depressed. RantWoman is sorry he was ever anywhere near weapons. RantWoman was also touched a couple years ago: RantWoman visited the WA state historical museum and watched the young docents in the music exhibit as their jaws dropped when RantWoman recounted this funky fact. RantWoman is in no way prepared for having connections to the kind of ancient history that makes young museum docents’ jaws drop.


And yup, if anything else here seems controversial, bring it on. RantWoman is happy to talk about these experiences.




Thursday, April 4, 2019

Play, Center

RantWoman has let her inner word nerd out to play.

RantWoman’s inner word nerd has a big heart and is trying to grow hope.

RantWoman got stuck on a bit of history and suddenly modernity and renewal also showed up.

Okay, okay, RantWoman can also SOMETIMES recognize overabundance and SOMETIMES tell Inner Word Nerd to go back to bed and let things season better. Sometimes.







































