Friday, January 31, 2025

Quakers Sue to Block ICE Agents from Houses of Worship This Weekend

from "quakers sue Trump" search

RantWoman speaking for herself.

1. I personally think my time will be better used on social media than direct involvement in discerning what position NPYM or MM's should take.

2. I wholeheartedly endorse Friends' efforts to discern collective action.

3. I think individual Friends can have tremendous influence just talking to people we know, paying attention to, and participating in social media and I wonder whether there are Friends who might like some ongoing back and forth about what we see and post.

I do not apologize for blunt judgmental language in some of the comments below. Sometimes i aspire to do differently, sometimes I figure maybe people need to hear the exact language)

Some social media themes from Elon's sandboxand points I am discerning about usefulness

--Everyone who crossed the border illegally is ALL CRIMINALS so law enforcement should do whatever is necessary.
(If you have ever run a red light, should we consider you a CRIMINAL too? What about tax evasion...? Immigrants are vital to our economy. Basic human dignity. Congressional paralysis about needed reforms, hopes of DREAMErs..._

--They're sending their worst...
(Yes, anyone close to work with immigrant populations knows there ARE immigrant criminals, but since the President just pardoned 1500 violent cop-beating thugs, maybe have some perspective)

--Part of "their sending their worst is VERY explicitly ableist, and distraction like the President's comments in connection with the DC plane crash about #DEI and FAA hiring practices.

To say more about social media, some examples of comments I have offered recently:
--First amendment provisions of the Constitution support free exercise of religion and religious pluralism, (contrary to Christian Nationalism)

--The DoD serves all of the US, not just people who pray any specific way.
(Rant available about why Quakers should even care about the DoD)

--The US does NOT need any more drunk allegedly Christian rapists in high office.

--Other posts based on the themes above.

RantWoman is always interested in what people outside of Quakers understand about Quakers.

Plane Crash BOMBSHELL from FOX NEWS !?!?!

IN the fine Quaker tradition as publishers of truth

and fighting back, INCLUDING on Social Media

And from RantWoman's YouTube menu

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


RantWoman is taking a break from social media fever swamps, electronic scrapbook and opinionated commentary with the following announcement.

RantWoman has created a CaringBridge site.

The page says why.

In Light and faithfulness

Saturday, January 25, 2025

An assassination and Trump Ukraine Russia Peace Transition Team

Catty aside: nothing like idiomatic English and human pronunciation to dispel any impression that at least THIS video was done by humans and not by AI or only machine translation.

RantWoman has no basis beyond this video for opinion about the assassination described

RantWoman has been too busy paying attention to the onset of the new regime in the US to wander too far into the #Russia #Ukraine war but Jake Broe hits a bunch of different topics.

(RantWoman still wishes he would take pronunciation lessons about Russian place names, but RantWoman just has to COPE)

Military situation, Trump and Putin both go off on peace negotiations, oil prices.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Petty Pentagon Portrait "Shock and Awe" BS

Gen. Mark Milley’s portrait removed from Pentagon hallway

Politicized military personnel decisions are just working out SO well for Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine. #CadetBoneSpurs MUST NOT follow Putin's example. #AdviseAndConsent means saying NO to terrible ideas such as the #PeteHegseth nomination. And Putin should NOT come crying to the new President to bail him out of what is a really stupid war in the first place. Both of these guys are old, rigid, and dangerous.

RantWoman further comment: it is entirely consistent both vigorously object to wars and to want knowledgable competent carefully nonpolitical generals who do in fact often help keep nations out of wars.

Oh and...

Monday, January 20, 2025

The really important stuff today: #MLKday2025

So much JOY!

Readers who want to see RantWoman curate the rest of the nonsense, check out RantWoman's other blog available in the blog roll.

With one additional note: a few words from Brother Timothy Snyder
Look for openings (and be honest for when institutions are also imperfect.)

Oh wait, there was an HBCU at the Inauguration "parade" too.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

President Biden grants mass pardons do address sentencing discrepancies

Something to really appreciate.

The Healing Heart of Lushootseed: Special Seattle Performance March 7. Sign up early

RantWoman apologizes for the slightly jumbled presentation.

1. For information about a special Seattle Symphony performance March 7 of a sympony inspired by the leading of a native elder, click on the link below for the Seattle Symphony calendar.

The performance will occur as ceremony. Therefore, admission is free but it's a good idea to sign up early as the venue may fill.

2. For more information about the Healing Heart project, there is more than one link.

Trailer for the original documentary

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Smashing through the camouflage ceiling" What if it's time to have a FEMALE #SecDef????

TL;DR: the Semate should reject the Pete Hegseth nomination to be Secretary of Defense. The incoming President should appoint Senator Joni Ernst R, IA to be #SecDef and she can hire Pete Hegseth as come kind of spokesguy.

RantWoman, WHAT is a nice pinko peacenik like you doing wading into the confirmation for the incoming President's Secretary of Defense?

Uhhh, God told me to?

As a Princeton alum I am well qualified to tell the world that merely having a Princeton degree or even a Princeton degree and another one from Harvard as both #PeteHegseth and #MichelleObama do is not sufficient to make one qualified to be Secretary of Defense?

With that,

What if it's time to bust through the "camouflage ceiling?" Joni Ernst for #SecDef!!!! #PeteHegseth can have the amazing opportunity to have a woman boss!" President Elect Gropesaurus MIGHT be able to overcome his horrendous sexism and MAYBE grab some change agent vibes by breaking with age old practive of having a mal #SecDef. All the #MAGA boys might have a fit, but probably they should not argue with someone in command of a major military arsenal. Joni Ernst would have a job and not have to worry about getting primaried in 2026. IA is a dep red state so her replacement would not change the balance of power in the Senate. Do I think some #GOP men in the Senate should be able to grow a spine and not leave women senators to have to stand up against military sexual violence.

OMG: some actual SUBSTANTIVE questions!

An assortment of other views

Chris Cuomo goes off on multiple issues.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

WEBINAR Sunday Jan. 19: *"Silent No More: The Two-Spirit Journey"*

 Reprinted as is from email with appreciation for some important background at the bottom.

My work (Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples, is putting on this webinar in two weeks, and I
thought many of y'all might be interested!

*"Silent No More: The Two-Spirit Journey"*

Candi Brings Plenty (they/she) is a trans, nonbinary, Two Spirit, Lakota
parent. They are a Healing Justice practitioner whose parents are survivors
of the boarding schools.

Jordan Decker (he/him) is a Cherokee trans guy. He is passionate about both
trauma healing work and youth suicide prevention.

Candi and Jordan are offering this powerful webinar to teach about their
ancestral history, to expose the harm of today’s political climate, and to
help participants learn how to change our future. They model simple
language to speak to people who say ignorant or hateful things about Two
Spirit folks -- from a place of confidence, compassion, and heartfelt

*Sunday, January 19, 4-6 pm ET; 3-5pm CT; 2-4pm MT; 1-3pm PT*


Share this event on Facebook:
and Instagram:

Please spread the word to friends and Friends, as led. This event is for

If anyone would like to attend without donating, shoot me an email at my
work inbox: All scholarship requests are
approved :)

To check out all our upcoming events related to promoting right
relationships with Indigenous folks, go to

Appreciate y'all!

Mackenzie Barton-Rowledge
*zie/hir or she/her*
TRR Program Support & Tech Coordinator
Work email:

I live on Duwamish land, aka Seattle, in the Lake
Washington-Cedar-Sammamish watershed. I'm near the Salish Sea (Puget Sound)
and the volcano called Tahoma (Mt Rainier). The Duwamish are one of many
Coast Salish nations, and the language native to this region is Lushootseed
The Duwamish signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott, but the white
settlers failed to hold up their side of that treaty. Now, the federal
government refuses to even acknowledge the Duwamish Tribe, claiming that 10
years of missing records means that they no longer exist. The Duwamish
people <> continue to fight for federal
recognition, and have created a program called "Real Rent
<>" for settlers to redistribute resources
back to the Tribe.

Find out whose land you are on. <>

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Vlad Vexler on Tulsi Gabbard

RantWoman, what's a nice peacenik like you doing even CARING about who President Elect Gropesaurus names for national security roles?


1. Lives are at stake

2. International relations are messy

3. Experience + Expertise is a good place to start, a better start than mindless ideologue and obsequious yes-man for #DelusionalDonOld.

Let's take one-time Congresswoman and former democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, nominated to be the Director of the office of national intelligence.

(Scathing opinion about what is meant by "intelligence" brewing, but in the meantime...)

This clip provided by political philosopher Vlad Vexler is a good place to start.

Some of Tulsi's ideas, such as support for the #JCPOA, the Iran nuclear agreement not mentioned here sound sensible. Other times she just blithers, for example about now ousted Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Twitter /X by itself should never be one's only frame of reference, but there is enough bile there to imagine that Tulsi would never command respect from people even RantWoman considers it important to be able to talk to if one is going to muck around in the torrents of info coming at someone in a high-level national security position.

What sets RantWoman off here is exactly the same thing that annoys her about uber-bloviator Noam Chomsky: a sense of "it's all doom and gloom and no place for people to plug in and make a difference."

Vlad and the grumpiness police


Monday, January 6, 2025

‘An extraordinary human being’: Sen. Warnock remembers #JimmyCarter

RantWoman probably is going to let this video suffice for the occasion of #January6


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Queries for the new year: South Seattle ARE

 RantWoman is posting the bare queries.

Before small group breakouts

- What worries you (personal, community or broader world) for the coming year?

 - What will ground you?

 - What are you excited about?

 - What do you want to learn?

Sharing in the whole group

- What's your approach to choosing what to get involved in? Do you dip your toes in the water on many issues and opportunities, or do you take a deep dive?

 - What has worked to help you choose how you spend your time and stay focused?

 - How has your faith impacted how you choose to spend your time?- Share any thoughts or strategies you have or commitments you are ready to make as you move into the new year.

 - How will your faith support you in the new year?

Once more in the same small breakout groups

- Share any thoughts or strategies you have or commitments you are ready to make as you move into the new year.

 - How will your faith support you in the new year?

Songs of the season: Compline on the Eve of the Epiphany | January 5, 2025 among other things

One of RantWoman's current spiritual practices is Compline on Sunday nights streamed from St Mark's Cathedral.

Here is tonight's video


One reason it is a good idea always to have vegan options
With prayers for everyone about to observe orthodox Christmas

And for not exactly no reason, a very nerdy video that still includes a prayer that there will be PEACEFUL but on-point proposals regarding certifying the electoral college votes. RantWoman is not amused by multiple strands of thinking but RantWoman is simply going to post the following video here and save further fulminations for another.

Prophesy from Andrei Kordochkin that good will overcome evil

RantWoman has not listened to the whole video, partly because there was a certain amout of "blah blah blah" at the beginning. RantWoman is simply posting it here in an effort to cling to hope without getting too mired in lots of pesky DETAILS

Проповедь Андрея Кордочкина о том, что добро победит зло

Friday, January 3, 2025

LIVE: MAJOR Peaceful Protest to BLOCK Trump's Illegal Presidency │ Light...

RantWoman is posting this after, PERHAPS, the new Congress will have been able to elect a Speaker. RantWoman is posting provocative ideas floating around the interwebs, probably without sufficient attention to preparation and some big "Well, then what?" questions.

WILL President Elect Gropesaurus be inaugurated on January 20?

More to the point, what will happen on January 6?

In the meantime, RantWoman is still struggling to arrive to at least a semi-respectful way to refer to the President Elect. So far, RantWoman is not doing so well.

#DonTheCon ? #FelonDon? #DelusionalDonOld? #DementiaDonOld #DonSnoreleone? Uncle #FartsALot. 

RantWoman does wander sometimes into the question, what if everyone just held the President in the Light and murmured frequently "Grandpa needs a nap?"

Another dang digression: Personally, one thing RantWoman would very much enjoy: every kazoo player, sousaphone artist, high school, college or amateur marching band in easy travel distance just nonviolently fill all the streets between the Capitol and the white house with as much street music as they can muster all day on January 20

Now to the meat of "Constitutionally ineligible under Article 3 of the 14th Amendment."

Posted as a public service.

For more info

And a few words from a pretty opinionated former federal prosecutor

Benefit Concert: The Raging Grannies Sunday January 5, 3 pm



Seattle Raging Grannies & Just Us Singers

invite you to join us to raise funds and

sing for justice and peace!

Four people with instruments and music stands

Grannies with Red Seattle Raging Grannies banner


Sunday, Jan. 5th, 2025 

2:30 pm reception/3:00 program

Mount Baker Community Club

2811 Mt. Baker Drive S. Seattle, 98144


Enjoy refreshments, connecting with fun folks: Free!

Donations gratefully accepted by Paypal, cash, or checks

Payable to these groups:


Abe Keller Peace Education Fund

The Fund supports local peace & justice education, organizing, and action.


World Central Kitchen (WCK)

WCK is on the frontlines, providing meals

in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises.

World Central Kitchen (


For more information:



Thursday, January 2, 2025

Stand And Deliver and Please say your name?

Stand and Deliver but Please Say your name first.

"Please join us today ... for singing and worship.
When delivering a message please state your name first."

RantWoman understands hesitation about applying one's own name to ministry which is supposed to come directly from God. In RantWoman's experience messages from God sometimes arrive imperfectly depending on the personalities they arrive to. Recognizing this is part of the task of worshipping together, but there is a further fellowship reason for this practice in the age of Zoom. 

For various reasons, Friends need desperately to know who they are worshipping with. This is difficult if one can't see across the room or is prone to misidentifying blobs sitting far away. For RantWoman, merely seeing a beloved Friend's name in the Zoom participants list is often enough to fill her heart with joy. Rantwoman can also play around with magnification enough to see faces in detail she cannot see in person. 

In a hybrid meeting, though, RantWoman, especially for newcomers, RantWoman sometimes has no clue who is speaking and deeply appreciates Friends offering their names just to help RantWoman better retain connection between the message and the person it has been given to.

Stand and Deliver: taming the Owl

Many Friends Meetings now use an Owl 360 degree camera. Once again, issues which vex RantWoman also tend to vex other people. The Owl is supposed to track voices and point toward whoever is speaking. RantWoman is unclear about why this does not always work and about what Friends can do to attract the owl's attention before delivering a message. 

Some Friends try vigorously flapping their arms. Standing and offering one's name is one easy way to ensure that the Owl points toward a person offering ministry. It turns out that many people who join worship on Zoom really appreciate being able to see the Friend who is speaking.

Stand and don't deliver: Running out of someone's Light

While digesting Stand and Deliver considerations, RantWoman has been reminded of a different supposedly nonviolent practice: "stand and don't deliver." This refers to a practice when people in the room have grown tired of a message, of one or more Friend and sometimes everyone else standing to "hold silence." 

This of course works brilliantly--NOT--when someone can't see across the room to tell people are standing. RantWoman has also come to realize that  when the whole room is standing, it may be nothing wrong with the speaker but simply Friends uncomfortable with imperfections in delivery, bafflement about the tone or content of a message. In other words, perhaps it is not the speaker but the room that has gone beyond their Light!

Merely standing until silence returns, at least for RantWoman, feels stifling and completely unhelpful in terms of getting to places where messages may be more clear or Friends may figure out where messages might fall on less rocky ground. At a BARE minimum, is there room for Friends to speak to the Friend one is trying to silence one on one? OR is there work for the whole Meeting to do?

Here RantWoman is going to stop for now lest she succumb to a temptation to go off at GREAT length about perpetual need for CLERKS to be open to CONTINUING REVELATION about working with the voices Friends bring.

How NOT to get actual peace negotiations going.

RantWoman does not particularly apologize for at present filling this blog with lots of YouTube clips and trademark RantWoman out of the box commentary. RantWoman hopes readers at least sometimes find RantWoman's eccentric content curation informative and perhaps provocative.

Readers who like the channels RantWoman quotes from are encouraged to subscribe for themselves because RantWoman definitely posts only selected items.

RantWoman would much prefer to have a President Elect who is taken seriously enough, or takes sound advice from competent people, or .... Unfortunately, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has been rolling his eyes in the President Elect's direction for a long time.

The moments here are part of international back and forth about suitable peace plans for Ukraine, who gets to decide, and what other international tangles have to be tended to.

Or Russia could just GO HOME.

And while RantWoman is at it, another chapter of "start stupid wars, win stupid prizes," about which RantWoman SOMETIMES manages to be more diplomatic

And lest we forget, Russia, China, War, Oil